Dienstag, 30. November 2010

SCREW TV Volume.3

(© by MJP. All Rights Reserved)

ScReW Members: 


Am Montag, den 29.November.2010 hielten SCREW ihre 3. Live Talk Show.

Hier wieder die englische Übersetzung von MJP TV .

Kazuki: Hello everyone! This is your MC Kazuki Vol.3 just started.

Kazuki: There has been a server trouble because of too much traffic,but that won't stop us!

Manabu:I'm manabu on guitar.

R:I'm Rui on bass. J:Jin on Drums

K:I'm Kazuki and will be your host tonight and I play guitar.Thanks for the support, SCREWTV is Volume.3 this time. What do you think?

Jin: I enjoyed the 1st and 2nd time. This is the 3rd. I don't know what's going to happen with this TV program so I leave it to Kazuki-san.

Kazuki:Ok, this is the SCREWTV SHOW & it's highly popular. And: SURPRISE! The SCREWTV SHOW will be airing as a regularly program.

Manabu: I'm so happy it'll be a regular, I was nervous the first time and second, but then I got a little used to it,feeling we can do more.

Kazuki: What do you think everyone? Jin:I'm so happy. Rui:I want to get used to talking. Kazuki: So what are we doing lately?

Jin: We have been touring and we are right before one man show, we are inhigh-spirits for it!

Manabu: Rehearsals have started, we started to write songs. The one man show is getting close so we are very busy.

K:And also...the GLOBAL PS COMPANY FAN CLUB has been established! Please check it out! Isn't this great?

Kazuki: We will be participating in the GLOBAL PS COMPANY FAN CLUB actively. We are counting on our overseas fans, too!

Kazuki: Also, you can buy our one-man tour advance ticket via the GLOBAL PS COMPANY FAN CLUB: starting today!

Manabu: Of course overseas fans can buy tickets too! Get it and come to the shows in spring.

Jin: Come here...desuyo! Byo:Someone asked when we would be making fan club in Japan, too? (laughs)

Kazuki: Please be patient a little. We are trying our hardest to also establish one inside Japan.

Manabu: Yeah, we need your support, too.We can work harder with your support!!

Kazuki: Btw. the advanced ticket sales via the GLOBAL PS COMPANY FAN CLUB are until December 12th. The number of tickets is limited!!

Manabu: You better get it soon! Everyone! Kazuki:So, How is the one man tour going to be then?

Manabu:I can not focus on the tour right ahead of us.I'm already distracted by the one man tour.I am looking forward to the tour next year.

Rui:This is the first one man show since I joined. I shiver just thinking of it. Jin:I am very high-spirited. Yoroshiku!

Kazuki: Not that much...how are the tweets? Manabu:Rui, someone said "Please tweet, Rui san"

Jin: This is real time someone tweeted "Byo is beautiful". He certainly is! Manabu:Post more! Don't forget to tweet #SCREWTV

Kazuki :While you guys are posting...This is the GLOBAL PS COMPANY FAN CLUB membership card! What do you think??

Kazuki:The serial number is 100! 100!Manabu:Can we get it too? Rui:I want it too! Kazuki:We have not yet entered GLOBAL PS COMPANY FAN CLUB.

Manabu: I want it, too. I'll buy it later (laughs) Kazuki:If we see these things, we start to think we would like to make our own FC soon.

Jin:I'd keep it in my wallet! Manabu:There are a lot of posts coming in right now.

Kazuki: Actually, with the last shows posting #SCREWTV ranked 4th in Japan trends. This time, let's get the first place.Everyone, post more!

Jin:I'm writing now too. Kazuki:You don't have t say anything really, just tweet 1000 times! Jin:Can I make it on time?

Kazuki:Let's cooperate & be no.1 in Japan! So much for twitter, let's get to the first topic! We got questions from viewers.We'll do Q&A now

Kazuki: From Kei-san from Japan!Hello everyone. I became fan of SCREW recently. The first thing I heard was the album DUALITY.

Kazuki: Therefore, I think I am older than other girls...is it ok? It's my first time so I am worried.

Byo: Does it mean she's like 80 years old? Jin:Let me say something. "Are you crazy? Why do you care? Age does not matter!

Jin: If you like SCREW, we are happy, please come to the show. Manabu:There are people that are our moms' ages.

Rui: Mencome, too and people of all ages. Manabu: Mom come, too. Kazuki:We welcome anyone...and we should take the iPad away from him!

Manabu:Yes, I'll take it. Kazuki: Next isLindsey from America. "Which song do you recommend to the new SCREW fans?"

J:It's hard because there are a lot of songs K:One song from each album, everyone. M: It's difficult. J:How about Femme fatale? It's good!

Byo: Because it's your song. Jin: Well, let's put that aside but there is a drum solo in this song, too!

Jin:There is drum solo...there weren't many in our music, so I enjoyed this one.

Jin: And Byo's voice effect. Manabu and Kazuki's Guitar and Rui's SUPER bass is the attraction of this song.

Manabu: There are a lot of comments from fans, that Femme fatale is their recommendation, too.

Rui:Rosary is my recommendation. It's weird to say but this is the no.1 song.I thought "this is it" when I was listening to it originally.

Kazuki:This is the integration...or it's kind of the compilation. I wrote it, though. How about Manabu??

Manabu:Cursed Hurricane.If you are listening to us for the first time.There's also a PV.We play it at live so I think it's easy to get into.

Manabu: It is fun to play live too.

Kazuki: And Byo? Byo: "Yurikago!" I wanted some comfort. So, I choose "Yurikago" from this album. Kazuki:It is not in the album

Rui:I am so happy.I put a lot of my taste in it. I was wondering if it's ok, but we arranged it together and it turned out pretty good.

Kazuki: Rui's song has something that we didn't have before.My mom likes it. M:My mom likes it too. Rui's songs are for moms?

Manabu: I think people should listen to DUALITY, too! Kazuki: I recommend DUALITY, to.

Kazuki: Ok, next is Sato-san. from Japan! Hello SCREW! I became to like you since I saw your LIVE STREAM last time!

Kazuki "I fell in love with kazuki at first site! Please take responsibility for this.....This is not a question (laugh)"

Manabu: It means you have to take responsibility(laugh) Kazuki:Well....I will (laugh)

Kazuki:Ok, the next question is hard. Shoutekisan from China. Who is the most energized or most kind person in the band?

Rui: The mostenergized person? M: Does it mean "active" person...it is not me B:I think it's Rui R:Is it me? I am not an indoor person.

R:Your tong is twisted today. K:Well, it's probably Rui. M:Maybe there are more postings by now? K:We should let them vote maybe?

Byo: Manabu are you ok? Don't you think it's how?

Manabu:Does anyone say "Manabu"? Ah, they write Rui-san is kind!

R:Kazuki, Jin... B:There is none of my name! Who gets the most post? M:It seems like me...Jin...Kazuki...B:Are there a lot of "Byo"s too?

K:Manabu consists of 20% kindness and 80% eye glasses. J:Don't forget to use #SCREWTV when tweeting! Since we will be watching.

K:OK, the last question! Annie from France. Since the GLOBAL PS COMPANY FAN CLUB has started what kind of projects are you planning to do?

J:It's just starting now. K:I wanna go do live shows. Rui:I have never been overseas with you guys.

Manabu: Since the GLOBAL PS COMPANY FAN CLUB was made, I want to do it first.Meet everyone!

J:First, do performances, fan club events...live. i wannna do in-store events too. I want to communicate with our fans.

B:I wanna do play paper-rock-scissors. We should do it NOW! Jin:It differs from person to person how to play it.

K:Anyway,it's difficult to read all comments so that's all for today! Well, it was decided that this becomes a regular program anyway.

Kazuki: Today I am the host, but last time it was Jin. We should decide who it'll be for the next time

M:Well, we leave it to you. Kazuki:I will decide on my own accord! M:Really?!(laughs) K:So....It'll be.....!!!!!Manabu!!!

M:I'm next? I fear I'll do it like looking at a script K:you will be doing it. M:I will try. K:You will be nervous.

Manabu: I am always very high-spirited before the show. J:You gotta get new glasses(laughs) M: I will do it next month.

Jin: In a red jacket and a gold glasses! B: As the host should wear something funny every time J:like black tights suits?

K:I want to make a plan since it'll be a regular program. So I want you to think what kind of projects we should do.

kazuki: I think it would be interesting to invite a guests. We can invite friends or people from PS COMAPNY, sempais. What do you think?

J:I want to play games, too. Let's play a games to decide on the next host B: I want to know what the game is!!!

B:Let's play "musical chairs"!M:I want to do public shooting like in the electric shop i would always go. K:A shop recommendation.

K:It would be fun to do a public shooting some time. B:I wanna do them all! M:Food fighting, hot spring report..(is reading twitter)

J: Something like "Byo-san fell " K:Phychology test, ribbon tie?does it mean Manabu should wear it? R:"Yaminabe" too.

K:Let's do various things earnestly. We watch your tweets, so don't forget #SCREWTV! We want more opinions from you!

J&M: Don't forget the #tag. K:Tweet more" M:there are quite a lot, but we want more. k:we need to be no.1 in Japan today!

M:someone said "do twister " J:What is twister?

M:Well,it can not be helped. Something happend,we need to be flexible.K:It's hot in here(laugh)let's make it cool.10 min free talk from now!

J:We are waiting for this! K: Let's say whatever we ant M:there are many projects. "Play soccer". we were talking about games in there too.

Rui: Before we wanted to play PS3 but we didn't have enough controllers.

K:One of the staff took it home(laugh) R:We won't say who(laughs)

Kazuki: I would like to put have to draw something from a box. R:everyone would put something really weird in it if we play that.

Byo:"Surprise live calling" during the program. K:That'd be awesome!!

M:Aren' there any questions onTwitter? R: We can read it if you use #SCREWTV!

Kazuki:I want to do one thing, which is playing an acoustic live. That would be great.

J:There is a question asking: "what's special about your outfits today?"

Byo:I picked up whatever was on the floor.Jin: Just like that! M:B brought what ever on the floor too. J:Isn't the color annoying?

R:I don't normally dress like this, but I wanted to become refreshing men today. M:What about kazuki

K:I'm wearing something I found at my house...we wear ordinary clothes a lot recently. Do you have anything you would like to wear?

R:It want it to be next year. J:I want to make rice cake!! J:Manabu, you should be Santa next month

M:Everyone should be Santa next month! We want your opinions! tweet to #SCREWTV

Kazuki: It says: "How about a Maid outfit" M: I would reject cosplaying.

K:So, we enjoyed the free talking, but we will move on to the next topic. It is the SCREW DUALITY PV quiz!!

K:We want you to watch the PV but it doesn't end there. We want to do a quiz. .

Kazuki: There is a lighter in the beginning of the PV, please guess who's it is

M: If you watch it, you will find out! K:You will find the hint in the PV. It's a bit of a trick question!

M:Who USED the lighter? Watch it carefully too. K: Yes yes, who is using the lighter? K:We'll tell you the answer with at next the #SCREWTV!

K:: We will choose winner out of those who got the answer right and give a Christmas present to them.

Kazuki: Please check MJP(musicJAPANplus) for details. I haven't thought of what to give yet, though!

B:Give smile! M:Make it is something that they want! K:It's not just watching #SCREWTV but we want you to enjoy it, too.

K: Ok, kept you waiting too long. Let's watch the PV!

K:Have many of you watched the PV for the first time? How was it?

J:It is included in the first press edition of the album! K:Do you have anything to say to the fans overseas?

M:I think it would be a good trigger too. You have just watched our PV, so please listen to our music too.

K: OK Yes, that's right, time is running too fast, but it's getting late already. J:I am so sad! M:It's too fast

K: There was moment i felt pressured, but i had fun today.Our one-man show will be coming up! Please come!

J:We are going to visit various places in Japan,we want to keep the momentum of 2010-2011.Please see how different our fighting spirits are.

R:This is the first one-man tour since I joined.I'll carefully perform with everyone. I wan to make everyone enjoy the shows with us!

M:It's going to be a while after from now until then, but it is something i am looking forward to.

Manabu: I want to make the performance a great success with everyone!Support us please!!

B:Personally, it took a long time. But it was decided...I'm about to cry. We will completely rebuild ourself and gonna make some sensation.

Byo: We will take you to performances at even bigger venues, please hold on tight. Thank you for today.

K:It took quite some time, but I want to create a nice atmosphere. Jin: A nice atmosphere!

K:The exclusive GLOBAL PS COMPANY FAN CLUB advance ticket sale has just started, please check it out!

K: For Japan, there are advanced tickets on the official site, too! So tell me again what you thought about today's show! Jin?

J:Hi! this was Vol.3, and I'm not the host, but kazuki is. I'll be performing as comedian(laughs) but i am not as nervous as before.

R:This is Vol.3 and from here on it'll be a regular program and we will be seeing you every month. Please support us!

M:This was Vol.3 and it was smoother than the Vol.1. I am nervous because next month i will be the host. Please watch us next month!

B:I am sorry I am always so cute. Bye Bye!

K: Well, this was Vol.3. Jin said he was not nervous but I was more nervous! But I feel like I enjoyed it more than I expected.

Kazuki: Vol.4 will be on December 21st M:We don't know about that, yet (laughs)

K:I think we can announce the PV quiz winner next time. Look forward to it! And there is our new album, you should check it out too!

M:Please listen to it! K:See you at our one-man show then! We are SCREW! Bye-bye!

The fan club mentioned in SCREWTV is GLOBAL PS COMPANY FAN CLUB

SCREW Solo Japan Tour 2011 Advance Ticket Sale is on GLOBAL PS COMPANY FAN CLUB



Offizielle Hompage:  http://www.indie-psc.com/screw/
Offiziellee MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/screwofficial

Offizielle Twitter Acc:

Byo:        http://twitter.com/#!/screw_byo
Kazuki:    http://twitter.com/#!/kazuki_screw
Manabu:  http://twitter.com/#!/screw_manabu
Rui:         http://twitter.com/#!/rui_screw
Jin:          http://twitter.com/#!/jin_screw

Offizieller Ameba Blog:

Byo:        http://ameblo.jp/byo-screw/
Kazuki:    http://ameblo.jp/kazuki-screw/
Manabu:  http://ameblo.jp/manabu-screw/
Rui:         http://ameblo.jp/rui-screw/
Jin:          http://ameblo.jp/jin-screw/

Freitag, 26. November 2010


Am 25.November.2010 überraschte mich USTREAM gleich 2x.

Zuerst erfuhr ich durch Zufall, dass MUCC sein Live aus Kobe überträgt

(©all images by the Artist. All Rights Reserved)
Der STREAM wurde hier ausgestrahlt. Der Kanal sollte man vielleicht beobachten,  vor allen Dingen, da Miya am 26.November.2010 über Twitter versprochen hatte, dass MUCC bald wieder etwas streamen werden.

Das Zweite war, als ich kurz danach bei Twitter gelesen habe, dass zwei Members der Band Candle bei Kei Yamamoto sein werden.
Kei Yamamoto ist ein japanischer DJ, der auch schon eigne Alben heraus gebracht hat und dieses mal bei der MOGWAI (eine DJ Party), die von Miya (MUCC) und Kei Yamamoto (Candle) ausgerichtet wird, dabei sein wird.

Von links nach rechts: Kei Yamamoto (DJ), Kawasaki, Atsuhi Ishii (Gitarrist bei Candle) und Kei Yamamoto (Vocal von Candle).

Der DJ Kei Yamamoto legt öfter mal live auf, was man sich hier ansehen kann.

Den Livestream mit Candle (leider nur in japanisch)

Montag, 22. November 2010


(© all images by the Artist. All Rights Reserved)

Twitter ist eine Fundgrube für Bands die ich noch nicht kenne und die es wert sind sich anzuhören.

Die Stilrichtung die Engu spielt ist schwer zu beschreiben, da sie Elemente von Rock, alternative metal, hardcore und post-hardcore miteinander vereinen.

Line up:

Vocal: Koh

(offizieller Blog: http://ameblo.jp/engukoh
offizieller Twitter Acc: http://twitter.com/#!/cltcltkoh )

Gitarre: Tam

(offizieller Blog: http://ameblo.jp/tam-engu
offizieller Twitter Acc: http://twitter.com/#!/engu_tam )

Gitarre: Yuta

(offizieller Blog: http://ameblo.jp/yuta-engu
offizieller Twitter Acc: http://twitter.com/#!/YUTAfromENGU )

Bass: Kazuki

(offizieller Blog: http://ameblo.jp/engukazuki/
offizieller Twitter Acc: http://twitter.com/#!/engu_kazuki )

Drums: Marsy

(offizieller Blog: http://ameblo.jp/engu-marsy/
offizieller twitter Acc: http://twitter.com/#!/ENGU_Dr_Marsy )


Gimmick ist einer meiner Lieblingssongs von ENGU


22.02.2006  Recall a Film
?                  Hold On
?                  Perfect lie
?                  To The Ocean

06.10.2010  Night fiction


offizielle HP:                   http://www.engu.net/index.php
offizielleoffiziellerr Twitter Acc:      http://twitter.com/#!/engu_official
offizieller YouTube Kanal: http://www.youtube.com/user/ENGUTV
offizielle MySpace Seite:  http://www.myspace.com/engu
offizieller audioleaf:          http://www.audioleaf.com/engu

Sonntag, 21. November 2010

Live report: MUCC 2010 Tour 'Chemical Parade' in Hibiya

(© by the Artist. All Rights Reserved)

Auf JaME World wurde am 21.11.2010 ein Live Bericht von der "Chemical Parade" in Hibiya, in englisch veröffentlicht.

Wer diesen lesen möchte, kann dies hier tun.

Mittwoch, 17. November 2010

Sakura’s live “Blackness Cosmos” via USTREAM!

Wie Sync Music Japan am 15.11.2010, bekannt gegeben haben, wollen sie das Live "Blackness Cosmos at Koenji ShowBoat", von Yasunori Sakurazawa, bekannt unter den Namen Sakura (Rayflower, u.a. Ex-Member von L'Arc~en~Ciel, ZIGZO, S.O.A.P) über USTREAM übertragen.

Das Live findet am 20.11.2010 statt.

USTREAM live streaming bei:

■SYNC MUSIC JAPAN http://www.myspace.com/syncmusicjapan
■USTREAM on MySpace http://www.myspace.com/msjustream
■NEXUS TV  http://www.nexus-web.net/tv

Live streaming begingt :

18:30 pm  (Tokyo)
13:30 pm  (Moskau)
11:30 am  (Paris)
10:30 am    (London)
5:30 am    (New York)
2:30 am    (Los Angeles)  

Weitere Infos könnt ihr hier nachlesen.

Sakura - Drum Solo (2002)


Offizielle MySpace:      http://www.myspace.com/sakurazawa 
Offizieller Facebook:    http://www.facebook.com/pages/Sakura/336278147558
Offizieller Twitter Acc: https://twitter.com/sakurazawa

Dienstag, 16. November 2010

Matenrou Opera bei MJP TV

(© by the Artist. All Rights Reserved)

Line up:

  • Vocal: Sono

  • Gitarre: Anzi

  • Gitarre:  Ayame

  • Bass: You

  • Drums: Yuu

Wie MusikJapanPlus am 16.November.2010 bekannt gegeben hat, werden am  17.Dezember.2010 um 21:00 Uhr (japanischer Zeit) Matenrou Opera die nächsten Live-Gäste bei MJP TV sein.

Auch dieses mal können Fans vorher Fragen an MJP schicken.

Nähere Infos könnte ihr hier nachlesen.


offizielle Homepage:  http://opera.syncl.jp/
offizielle MySpace:    http://www.myspace.com/matenrouopera2007

Montag, 15. November 2010

TO GOTHIC - end of 2010 special -

(© all images by the Artist. All Rights Reserved)

Erneut wird Miya von MUCC im Rahmen von TO GOTHIC im WAREHOUSE702, in Tokyo, als DJ auflegen.

Die Veranstaltung in der Rock, Techno und Electro gespielt wird, findet am 16.Dezember.2010 um 22:00 Uhr statt.

Es werden wieder unter anderem viele bekannte japanische DJs auftreten.

Auch diese mal werden TokyoDolores dabei sein. Hier ein Auftritt im WAREHOUSE vom 27.12.2009

Wer die Möglichkeit hat, sollte sich dieses Event nicht entgehen lassen.

Sonntag, 14. November 2010

Neuer Titelsong für einen Film von X Japan

(© by the Artist. All Rights Reserved)

Line up:

  • Schlagzeug/Klavier: YOSHIKI

  • Gesang: Toshi

  • Gitarre: PATA

  • Bass: HEATH

  • Gitarre/Violine: SUGIZO

  • Gitarre: hide (verstorben am 2.5.1998)

  • Bass: Taiji (1987-1992 - Band verlassen)

Wie die japanische Yahoo Seite bekannt gegeben hat, wird X Japan einen weiteren Titelsong zu einem Hollywood Film beisteuern. Am 13.Juli.2010 sollen X Japan den Song aufgenommen haben.
Aber bis jetzt ist weder der Name des Songs noch der Film bekannt, indem dieser der Titelsong sein soll.

Das wird der Zweite sein, den X Japan für einen Film aufnimmt.
Der erste war "IV", der Titelsong von "saw IV".

Des Weiteren wurde bekannt gegeben, dass das neue Album der Band 2011 auf den Markt kommt.

Freuen wir uns auf das neue Machwerk dieser einmaligen Band.

We are X

Donnerstag, 11. November 2010

Kagrra "demise"

(© all images by the Artist. All Rights Reserved)

Line up:

  • Gesang:         Isshi
  • Gitarre:          Akiya
  • Gitarre, Koto: Sin
  • Bass:             Nao
  • Schlagzeug:   Izumi

Aus einem nicht bekannten Grund haben die Bandmembers von Kagrra jetzt offizielle bekannt gegeben, dass sie nach 10jährigen bestehen beschlossen haben, die Band aufzulösen.

Sie selber nennen ihre Entscheidung "demise" und nicht "disbanding".

Ihr letztes Geschenk an ihre Fans wird das Album "Hyakkikenran" sein, das am 2. Februar 2011 heraus kommt und der anschließende Tour, die voraussichtlich am 13. Februar 2011 in Tokyo beginnen soll und ihr Finale am 3. März 2011 in der CC Lemon Hall in Tokyo haben soll.

Hier das Statement der einzelnen Bandmembers zu ihrem "demise" und die Tourdaten.

Diesen Song mag ich immer noch sehr von der Band


MusicJapan+: http://www.musicjapanplus.jp/news/1/6268/kagrra-announce-their-demise-shu-en/ 

Barks: http://www.barks.jp/news/?id=1000065627

Samstag, 6. November 2010

Candle 1st full album "promise"

(© by the Artist. All Rights Reserved)

Wie Candle am 06.November.2010 bekannt gegeben haben, wird ihr erstes Album "promise" am 24.Dezember.2010 veröffentlicht.


01. 真冬のドルフィン

02. 優しい雨

03. 夏心 -なつごころ-

04. 朽ちる日が来る事に気付いている百合

05. Beautiful life

06. 優しい雨 -Masaaki Yaguchi Re-REMIX-

07. Candle in the holy night -feat.ToMoZo-

08. 何もない場所

09. Memories

10. L.E.D.


Schon jetzt kann man das Album bei Amazon.jp vorbestellen. Eine weiter Möglichkeit wäre das Album bei iTunes Store zu downloaden.

Ein schönes Weihnachtsgeschenk, für jeden der japanische pop/elektro Musik mag.

Bisher konnte man auf ihrer offiziellen Homepage ihre Songs kostenlos downloaden. Wie lange dies aber noch möglich sein wird, ist noch nicht bekannt gegeben worden.

Line up:

Gesang: 山本敬 (Kei Yamamoto)
(ex ラヴィアンローズ = La Vie En Rose, ex river), Geb.: 24. März 1979, Blutgruppe: 0

Gitarre: 石井篤史 (Atsushi Ishii)
(ex river), Geb.: 18. Mai 1977, Blutgruppe: A

DJ und Keyboarder: 馬場大輔 (Daisuke Baba)
(ex SPEAKER, ex river), Geb.: 12. Juni 1982, Blutgruppe: 0

Candle tritt bei DJ Partys öfter mit der Band 1979 auf (bestehend aus Kei Yamamoto und DJ Masaaki Yaguchi = Miya von MUCC).

Des weiteren haben Candle auch mit MUCC den Remix Libra feat. Candle aufgenommen.


offizielle Homepage:        http://candle.main.jp/main.html
offizielle MySpace:          http://www.myspace.com/candle2009
offizieller Ameba Blog:     http://ameblo.jp/candle2009/
offizieller Guess yama:     http://candle.main.jp/guess/top.html
offizieller YouTube Kanal: http://www.youtube.com/2008candle
weiterer YouTube Kanal:   http://www.youtube.com/Guessyama
offizieller Blog:                 http://yaplog.jp/candle/

Twittwr Account:

Kei Yamamoto: http://twitter.com/#!/candleofficial
Daisuke Baba:  http://twitter.com/#!/candle_daisuke
Atsushi Ishii:     http://twitter.com/#!/candle_atsushi


offizille MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/1979official

Dienstag, 2. November 2010

Sugizo neuer Twitter Account

(© by the Artist. All Rights Reserved)
Seit dem 01.11.2010 hat auch Sugizo einen eigenen Twitter Account.

Nach dem offiziellen Start, hatte der Künstler innerhalb einer halben Stunde schon über 1200 Followers, was von seiner Beliebtheit zeugt.
Sugizos Kommentar dazu:
Thank you everyone!! Luv U sooooo much!! Respect!!
Sugizo ist Mitglied der legendären japanischen Band Luna Sea und X Japan. Außerdem verfolgt Sugizo eine Solokarriere.

Vor allem besticht der Musiker durch seine Gitarrenriffs und seinem Violinspiel, weshalb es sich lohnt, sich einmal mit ihm zu beschäftigen.

Sein Twitteraccount: http://twitter.com/#!/SUGIZOofficial

Um euch einen kleinen Einblick in seine Arbeit zu gewähren, habe ich zwei Videos ausgesucht, wo mir sein Spiel besonders gefällt.

Zuerst sein Violinsolo bei X Japan

Als zweites einen Song von seinem Soloprojekt

Lyrics to "No more machineguns play the guitar":

From: MyDearKyoKun

I don't want to turn my back to the world
Not that I understand it, I sure don't like it
Yea, I give a damn about it
Are those "big men" brain dead?
Are they all for real?


Is there anything left worth fighting for?
Can they love any other than themselves?
I still have the will to save
The innocence, the cut and bruised


Fat cats slaving for the material world,
Possessions and control
You don't have the right to kill at your will
In pursuit of you're fucked up scheming thrills


A shining planet full of miracles
I thought we were meant to love one another
Where did things go so wrong?
Sound the noise of redemption

Is there a reason worth staying for?
With these rancid old laws
What's to become to the rest of us
Sound the noise of redemption

All I ever want is to love one another on
A shining planet full of miracles


- Lyrics, Music and arrangement: Sugizo


Sugizos offizielle Website:      http://www.sugizo.com/
Sugizos offizielle MySpace:    http://www.myspace.com/sugizo
Sugizos offizieller Face book: http://www.facebook.com/SUGIZOofficial

Montag, 1. November 2010

The Newborn Versailles

(©all images by the Artist. All Rights Reserved)

Laut SYNC MUSIC JAPAN NEWS plant die Band Versailles Philharmonic Quintet eine Tour über 6 Monate in Südamerika. Dabei wollen sie 5 Lives in 5 verschiedenen Ländern geben. Das wäre die längste Tour, die Versailles jemals abhalten würde.

Außerdem gibt die Band bekannt dass MASASHI, der den Part des verstorbenen Jasmine You während ihrer Welttour übernommen hatte, nun ein offizielles Mitglied der Band ist.

Quelle: syncmusic.jp


KAMIJO : vocal (offizieller Ameba Blog http://ameblo.jp/versailles-kamijo/ )

HIZAKI : guitar (offizieller Ameba Blog http://ameblo.jp/versailles-hizaki/ )

TERU : guitar (offizieller Ameba Blog http://ameblo.jp/versailles-teru/ )

YUKI : drums (offizieller Ameba Blog http://ameblo.jp/versailles-yuki/ )


Ex Member:

Jasmine You verstorben am 9.8.2009 (offizieller Blog http://ameblo.jp/jasmine-you/ )


23.06.2007 The Revenant Choir
31.10.2007 Lyrical Sympathy
19.03.2008 A Noble was Born in Chaos
22.10.2008 NOBLE
10.12.2008 Prince & Princess
20.01.2010 JUBILEE
27.10.2010 DESTINY-The Lovers-

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