Freitag, 25. Februar 2011


(© all images by the Artist. All Rights Reserved)

Am 25.Februar.2011 wurde über Ustream das SCREW TV Vol.6 ausgestrahlt.

Line up:

Gesang: Byo (ex.Toge) 

Gitarre: kazuki 

Bass: Rui

Schlagzeug: Jin

Gitarre: Manabu

Bass: Yuto (ex.UJ, ex.YU-TO) [2006 / 2009 - Band verlassen]

Auch dieses mal ist die Übersetzung von en_mjptv

Vol. 6 2011/02/25 Starting 21:00 [JST]

Please use the programs

Byo: We are waiting for your tweet during the program. This is Vol. Deep Six...Rui: Not Deep Six...

Byo this times's personality is Byo! All: he's cool!! yeah!

Byo: The first corner is the Q&A corner.

Byo: The first question is from Sato, from Japan. "What kind of song is DEEP SIX"?

Kazuki: Well, the song is filled with our strength.

Byou: That'sobvious, isnt it?

Kazuki: I think it is a good song. Rui: It's heavy and melodious.

Byo: OK, let's go on to the next questions. from jeanette in france In March, you’ll start your one-man tour named 『GO INTO HIGH GEAR』。

Byo: During these shows, if you were to have subtitles, what kind of subtitles would they be?

Byo:Message: Definitely come to France, please! I’d really like to see one of your shows in person!

Rui: Ireally have to take care of the allergy. I'm sorry about doing it during the live program, but the pollen are really bad.

All Members: Let's go to France

Byo: What about you , Jin-kun? Jin: Is it OK for me to put subtitles on the tour title?

Byo: OK, let's move on to the next question: From Hannah in Germany. This is about everyone’s new outfits

Byo: Please tell us about any particular point or favorite points/styles you have on the most recent outfits!

Jin: Red is my theme. It's full of the red of enthusiasm/ passion. Byo: Your own? Jin: Yes!

Manabu:There are the details that can not be seen.

Manabu: It's the shoes. It's not very well visible, but it's about the boots. They are furry...

Kazuki: The color. Leopard, and silverish. Yeah, this is the second one. Like a Celebrity. I'll make you a celeb.

Byo: I wanted to do something like I haven't done it before.I'm wearing lots of leopard prints. I've never worn something like this before

Byo: You can also cosplay it! OK, lets move on to the next. You

From "The girl who likes Jin" from Japan:

Question: I became a fan of SCREW from watching the SCREW TV SHOW! So because of that I haven’t been to any of your shows before.

Question: This tour will be my first! So please give me some advice on how to enjoy your concerts more thoroughly.

Answer: SCREW are a fun band, so don't worry about it and just enjoy the show.

Rui: We're happy if you enjoy the show.

Byo: next question from japan / This question is for Kazuki and Manabu. I recently bought a guitar, but I don’t really know where to begin.

Question: When the two of you began learning how to play the guitar, how did you start? Please help me!

Message: I love SCREW!! I love all of you, but especially Kazuki(≧ω≦) Thanks to SCREW’s members I often laugh and smile.(^^)

Manabu: The first guitar i got was about 20.000 yen (about 210USD)

All members: That's so cheap!

manabu: But it's really OK if it is cheap in the beginning.

Jin: You got the cheapest one? Manabu: But all you need in the beginning is the guitar, the cables and the amp.

Manabu: And when you got the guitar you could practice things like do-re-mi

Kazuki: Well should we go buy one together.

Aah, please also send your comments using the hashtag !!

Byo: We are still looking for your questions and messages. So tweet to us!

Byo: With that said, shall we move on to the next corner? Go? Jin: Go! Byo: I'm out. Jin: See you! Jin: Please wait a bit...

Byo: We started this at the last show,so this is the second time.One of the members will be given a keyword and has to draw a sketch.

Byo: Once done, the other members have to try to guess what it is.

Byo: Last time all the members got pretty excited over this huh. Everyone, did you enjoy it as well?

Kazuki: I feel uplifted!!

Byo: The first to draw is Kazuki.

Kazuki: I am the first fool.I heard theme varies this time. I don't know this one! Difficult. It might become a disaster.

Kazuki: Btw. Byo has cut his hair lately, too. It's all about hay fever and pollen allergy...

Rui: It's terrible (about pollen). There are lots of kinds of pollen. Byo: Is that an international thing? should be.

Manabu: For me it's not cedar pollen. Probably ragweed.

Jin: Please send your comment to at ! I'm waiting. But you gotta add the # and it must be capital letters.

Jin: Else it will go somewhere else.

Kazuki: I'm ready! Are you ready? Here! (shows picture) Jin: You need to give us a hint please! Is it from an anime? Is it a real person?

Kazuki: I'm gonna tell you a big hint. It's almost the answer. He appears in FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST.

Jin: If you know the answer, tell us at

Kazuki: Ok, it's "Edward Elric" from FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST. I don't know this guy! I can't draw it!

Kazuki: I tried to draw it like him! Byo: OK, let's move on with the next drawing.

Rui: I'm so scared. It7s like the first one...(picks the theme) Oh, no..., this is going to take me until the program is finished.

Rui: I'm so bad at this!

Rui: (reveales the picture) But actually...I just drew something else...

Rui: Can I say the answer. All: No you can't.

Rui: It's because, I really don't know anything about ONE PIECE.

Byo: OK, let's move on: Members draw and Jin gets to draw the picture. Jin: I know that. But I have not drawn it!

Byo: Do your best! And don't forget to talk.

Manabu: He's going to take time. Until 10:00.

Byo: And I was wondering usually we'd see the tweets coming in, but there is no iPad this time.

Manabu: Tweet more!

Manabu: I think i know what it is! Byo: I should not see it!

Jin: I'm done! (shows picture) Kazuyki: Oh I know who that is!

It's well known all over the world.

Jin: It's just an image of it, though. Kazuki: And the answer is... Jin: It's Thomas the Train.

Byo: This is pretty good!

Byo: OK, the next one7S turn. Manabu's turn. Manabu: What should I do if I don't know what it is? No, I really don't know what it is.

Kazuki: I didn't know what it is but I draw it. Rui: Me too. Byo: Well tuntil you know it...

Byo: It's pretty hard today, i wonder if they think we're good at drawing.

Manabu: I'm ready. I don't know if it's good.

Kazuki: But this is easy to guess.

Rui: Everyone got that right eventually. Mamanbu: And the answer is...Disney's Mickey Mouse

OK, the last one to draw is Byo.

Byo: i know what this is! well guess I'll draw it. Rui. OK, the one's Manabu didn't know where GHIBLI characters. Except Totoro I don't know

This is difficult. Byo: I am DONE!! Jin: You're fast!

Byo: I feel confident!

There are people who actually got the answer right!

Rui: I thought it would be Elisabeth from GIN TAMA

Kazuki: mucc Jin: doraemon...

Byo: the correct answer is.... Totoro!

All Members: whaaaaat?! Jin: Please send your complaints on twitter using the hashtag !

OK, for the next round everyone has to participate again.

Rui: If it's hard, let's pick other one. And the next is Kazuki to pick a topic.

Kazuki: I know this one! I don't know but everyone know.

Byo: I guess my drawing is the worst one

Rui: I was too bad at drawing, so a fan gave me DS software called Oekaki Kyoshitsu (Drawaing class). So I practiced hard.

Rui: But drawing some person is hard, isn't it.Byo: But before this, i drew something for the live merchandise. Everyone would draw...

We drew on the tumblers and the porches, which were sold at the online store.

Kazuki: I am done! (shows picture) Kazuki: Here! Rui: I have 2 ideas. Jin: it's not a person Kazuki: It's not a person.

byou: i think i know Kazuki: Do you really know? The hint is it's blue. Rui: I thought it was one of the Simpsons.

Manabu: Me too. Kazuki: Ok, the biggest hint. It's from Disney. Byo actually likes it.

Kazuki: Byo really likes this guy Manabu: Is it big?byou: i know! can i say it? "Stitch"Kazuki: Look at this eye, ear hanging down...

Jin: Send your messages of support for this drawing at Byou: i knew it was Stitch because of those fangs.

Eventually the members chose a winner out of the pictures, as the members will be signing the picture, it will be a prize!

Jin: The most impacting! Kazuki: Let's pick something that people would be happy with.

The SCREW members chose three pictures out of the pictures and they will give those away. under

Byo: We are thinking of making this corner a regular one, therefore, we are looking for a name for this corner!

Jn: So please send in your suggestions. (Information will follow on MJP soon)

Byo: Well and with this. It is almost time to end the program. This SCREW TV SHOW Vol. DEEP SIX.

Byo: So how was it today? All: It was fun!

Rui: One hour was very short!

Manabu: I want to be in this show again, so please support me!! Tweet for me! Jin: Tweet hashtag

Byo: Next are the information on the new single DEEP SIX, which will be released on March 23rd.

Byo: And we'll be going on tour from march 27. 7 place. Some are sold out already.

Jin: The finale is at Shibuya O-EAST for screw's 5th anniversary, please be there!

Byou: the next broadcast will be on march 18th. Rui: A little earlier than usual. Byo: And it will be at the same time as usual, 9pm

Byo: And who is going to be the next host of the show? ........ The one who'll do it just raise your hand....and it is....

Jin: It's is me. Drummer Jin (raises hands and stands up!)

Byo: Everyone's already had their turn! The second turn, you have to make it even better.

Jin: I will. Byo: So let's close it off here. See you next time and thank you for the many tweets.

Manabu: Somone tweeted"It's Jin! Looking forward to it!" Byo: pPlease give us your best regards for next month too

All members: This was screw! See you next time


Donnerstag, 24. Februar 2011

girugamesh bei MJP TV

(© all images by the Artist. All Rights Reserved)

Am 24.Februar.2011 gaben girugamesh einen Live Stream über MJP

Nachdem musicJAPANplus Probleme mit ihren Server hatten begann der Stream mit ca. 1 Stunde Verspätung.

Line up

Gesang: Satoshi

Gitarre: Nii

Bass: ShuU

Schlagzeug: Яyo

Gitarre: Hotaru [2004 / 2004 - Band verlassen]
Gesang: Tora (ex.Cyrien) [2003 / 2004 - Band verlassen]

Leider haben MJP dieses mal den Stream nicht übersetzt. Aber bis zum 5.Mai.2011 kann man sich den Stream noch einmal ansehen.


Dienstag, 22. Februar 2011

LM.C new single, "SUPER DUPER GALAXY" Music Video World Premiere on Facebook

(© by the Artist. All Rights Reserved)

Wie LM.C auf ihrer offiziellen Facebook Seite bekannt gegeben haben, wird die Musik Video Weltpremiere ihrer neuen Single "SUPER DUPER GALAXY" exklusiv bei Facebook zu sehen sein.

Das Video wird nur für die limitierte Zeit 

Start Date : 19pm on Sunday, February 27th (Japan time) 
End Date :   19pm on Thursday, March 3rd (Japan time)

online gestellt.

Line up:
  • Gesang: maya
  • Gitarre: Aiji
  • DJ, Keyboard: Jay-Kay [support member]
  • Tänzer, MC: DENKI-MAN [support member]
  • Bass: mACKAz [support member]
  • Schlagzeug: DEATH-O [support member]
  • Keyboard: Jun Murayama [support member]
  • Schlagzeug: KAEDE [support member]
  • Bass: HIKO [support member]
  • Bass: Kaytea [0000 / 2004 - Band verlassen]
  • Bass: EVAKAN [2006 / 2008 - Band verlassen - support member] 


Montag, 21. Februar 2011

Kra Tour Final Live Report bei JaME

(© by the Artist. All Rights Reserved)

JaME WORLD hat am 19.02.2011 einen Live Report der  Kra TOUR 2010 FINAL - Heart to Heart ~Kanjou no rinkaku~ veröffentlicht. 
Dieses Live war der offizielle letzte Auftritt des Gitarristen Mai, der wegen einer Krankheit die Band verlassen muss. 
Ab jetzt wollen die übrigen Kra Members die Band alleine am Leben erhalten, den Mai soll nicht ersetzt werden.

Den Report könnt ihr hier nachlesen.

Line up:
  • Gesang, Klavier: Keiyuh
  • Gitarre: Mai
  • Bass: Yuhra
  • Schlagzeug: Yasuno


Donnerstag, 17. Februar 2011


(© by the Artist. All Rights Reserved)

OBLIVION DUST war am 14.Februar.2011 bei der Radiosendung BAM!

Während des Interviews sprach George Williams mit den Bandmembers über ihre Proben, übers essen und die kommenden Live Shows im Shibuya AX am 18. und 19. Februar.2011.

Line up:
  • Gesang: Ken Lloyd
  • Gitarre: K.A.Z
  • Bass: Rikiji
  • Bass: Ju-ken [support member]
  • Gitarre: Masaru [2001 / 2001 - Band verlassen]
  • Schlagzeug: Furuton [1998 / 2001 - Band verlassen]
  • Schlagzeug: Taka [1996 / 1998 - Band verlassen]
  • Bass: Rikiji [1998 / 2000 - Band verlassen]
  • Bass: Matt Garrett [1997 / 1997 - Band verlassen]
  • Bass: Derek Forves [1996 / 1997 - Band verlassen]


Dienstag, 15. Februar 2011

Tatsuro (MUCC) schreibt Song für das Album von Jealkb

(© by the Artist. All Rights Reserved)

(© by the Artist. All Rights Reserved)

Laut der MUCC Fanseite hat Tatsuro der Sänger von MUCC für das neue Album Invade das am 09.02.2011 von Jeaklb veröffentlicht wurde, einen Song geschrieben.

Tatsuro ist ab 0.55 min im background zu hören.

Montag, 14. Februar 2011

DJ Party DA さいたま Night☆

(© by the Artist. All Rights Reserved)

Wer am 5.März.2011 in Tokyo / Japan ist, sollte dieses Event auf keinen Fall verpassen.

Als Guest Live werden TRICK or TREAT und Candle dabei sein.

Nähere Informationen könnt ihr hier nachlesen.

OBLIVION DUST bei BAM! und George TV

(© by the Artist and BAM!. All Rights Reserved)

Am 14.Februar.2011 waren alle Bandmembers von OBLIVION DUST bei der Radiosendung BAM! und gaben danach ein Interview bei George TV.

Das Interview wurde bei USTREAM live übertragen.

Line up:
  • Gesang: Ken Lloyd
  • Gitarre: K.A.Z
  • Bass: Rikiji
  • Bass: Ju-ken [support member]
  • Gitarre: Masaru [2001 / 2001 - Band verlassen]
  • Schlagzeug: Furuton [1998 / 2001 - Band verlassen]
  • Schlagzeug: Taka [1996 / 1998 - Band verlassen]
  • Bass: Rikiji [1998 / 2000 - Band verlassen]
  • Bass: Matt Garrett [1997 / 1997 - Band verlassen]
  • Bass: Derek Forves [1996 / 1997 - Band verlassen]


Sonntag, 13. Februar 2011


(© all images by the Artist. All Rights Reserved)

Am 13.Februar.2011 hielten ONE OK ROCK einen Livestream um ihre neue Veröffentlichungen, die DVD THIS IS MY BUDOKAN?! 2010.11.28 und die Single Answer is Near zu promoten.

ONE OK ROCK stellten auch einen Live Tweet zur Verfügung bei dem man während des Ladens mit Ausschnitten aus der neuen DVD unterhalten wurde.

Da es keine Übersetzung des Stream gibt, werde ich nur die Screenshoot bloggen, wobei ich keine von den Ausschnitten aus der DVD gemacht habe.

Wie man sehen kann, soll am 21.Februar einen weiteren Stream von der Band geben. Man darf gespannt sein, ob es wieder so lustig wird wie es bei diesem gewesen war.

Line up:
  • Gesang: TAKA
  • Gitarre, Gesang: Toru
  • Bass: Ryota
  • Schlagzeug: Tomoya
  • Gitarre: Alex [2005 / 2009 - Band verlassen] 
