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Am 17.Dezember.2010 war Matenrou Opera bei MusicJapanPlus TV, bei dem die Members Fragen von Fans beantworteten, die sie vorher bei MusicJapanPlus stellen konnten.
Hier die englsiche Übersetzung des Auftrittes von mjptv
Sono: Hello everyone watching Matenrou #OperaTV, we'll be with you for an hour! And the program will be aired world wide!
Sono: Let us introduce our selves. Anzi: I’m Matenrou opera's guitar Anzi.
Ayame: I’m Ayame on keyboard. Fans from all over the world are watching,I'm excited.
Yo: Hello everyone. I am bassist Yo. Enjoy this time with us.
Sono: This is Matenrou Opera! Hope you enjoy the show today.
Ayame: To participate in the program make sure to use the #tag #OperaTV and tweet for us! Make sure to follow @musicJAPANplus, too
Sono: Don't forget the #tag and let's get excited!
Sono: This is Matenrou #OperaTV and here is the Q&Q corner!
Sono: We have received a number of questions from people around the world and we would like to answer those. Here is the first question!
From England: Congrats to your major debut. I like the music of Matenrou Opera a lot. I hope you'll come to London some time. I will keep supporting you and I would like to know how you came together as the band Matenrou Opera
Vocal: Sono and me were in former band together, which disbanded. We knew what we wanted to from a next band so we looked for new members.
Sono: We had hard time finding next members, though
Yu: They knew Yu. We were looking for a member for about a month. Like "Isn't there a bassist somewhere?"
Yo: Yeah, I know. I was told that they were talking about the same story that they didn't have a bassist.
Yo: It continued for almost a month so I offered to become their bassist.
Yu: I was like: "Oh! Really? Aren't you busy?" It was a little more complicated than this, though!
Anzi: Ok, I was kind of free, actually. Yes, this is the real story (laughs)! Yu: He came to studio and we had session. They all liked you.
Yo: First, we talked in a cafe where Anzi always goes. He was a silent guy and never spoke.
Sono: The first time when we talked in a cafe he didn't talk much. I thought he was a very silent type.
Yu: We were desperately looking for a keyboardist. Ayame was there and we talked to him....
Ayame:The first time we met was a backstage of a live house.Sono just came in when I was changing. Then talked infront of italian restaurant
Q2: Akihiko from Venezuela. In South America there are a lot of Opera fans! If you were doing a world tour please come to South America! Please tell us about your memories since you formed a band.
Sono:Do you have any? Anzy: We were going to Europe together at the end of March. Yu: We went abroad before doing our tour in Japan
Anzy: That time, the plane was delayed and we were supposed to be in Sweden a day earlier. However we arrived the next day in the morning.
Anzi: We stopped by hotel to take shower and headed right on.
Yu: Someone's shampoo exploded. Anzi: It did! While we were on the plane.
There are tweets saying "sonokawaii" and "ayax Kawaii" (laugsh)
Q3. Aya from Singapore. Congratulations to your major debut! What do you think about your major debut? We love Matenrou Opera! Hope come to Singapore sometime!
Yu: I went to Singapore with my family. I watched Ma-lion from far away. Sono: can we talk about our major debut now??(laughs)
Ayame:We would like people to listen to our music as we'll have more chances now with our major debut.
Q4: Suzanna from Sweden. We have formed the Swedish street team in 2008. We are supporting your ever since then. Can we expect a Europe (overseas) tour in 2011? We will keep supporting you always!
Ayame:As we are looking at it,theer are many people who want us to come to their country: Brazil,Venezuera,Hungary, Netherlands. Let's go!
Yu: There are so many countries!!
Ayame: There is a question asking "Sono san are those fake glasses?" Sono: No they are real!
Yu: One question, one answer! We are always like this. (laughs)
Anzi: In 2008, we have promised that we will be back when we were overseas.We want to realize overseas tour again. We'll be back!!!
Q5. Vikki from Russia. Before you started music, who inspired you or who still inspires you? Russian fans love Matenrou IOpera.
Ayame:She is russisan.I love Tchaikovsky. When I started making music i bought software for writing music which contained the Nutcracker.
Ayame: Since then I started to listen to Tchaikovsky. When I listen to 15 sec of the music, I will know which one it is! I love it!
Ayame: The world cup will also be held in Russia. Please invite me then! Sono: Have a nice trip
Yo: Speaking of Russia: When I pick this up, my brother is married and his wife is Russian. I definitely want to go to Russia.
Yo: Ayame, let's go together. My favorite bassist is Billy Jean of Mr. Big.
Yu: I love the Russian anthem. I love it. I started drum because of YOSHIKI san. My generations are usually inspired by YOSHIKI.
Yu: My favoriete artist: METALLICA is why I started to listen to western music. I went to see their live performance a little before.
Yu: I want METALLICA to come to Japan again! Anzi: IRON MAIDEN my top heavy metal monster band.
Anzi:They're the reason why I started to play the guitar.The fusion of classic&electric guitar was what got me into it.They are pioneers.
Anzi: My guitar color is also a little effected by him. I want to thank them someday if I have chance to see them.
Sono: It was X JAPAN' YOSHIKI. But this is a question from overseas... I like HELLOWEEN's volcal since was a student.
Sono: People ask me about my vibrato often.It is effected by him. Anzi: They just had live performance in Japan. Yu: I almost cried.
Ayame:It says: "IRON MAIDEN" is playing next year close to my place. But the ticket price is too high." Should this kid go or not?
Anzi:You should definitely go! I went to their live show in Saitama.They are so cool. Please go!
Q6: Fusinsi from Indonasia. Which is your favorite song in "Abyss"? And name the reason too? I hope for your happiness and your success.
All: Thank you! Sono: The favorite song in Abyss...? Ayame: I like "Futari" Sono: That's surprising.
Ayame: It has a simple melody and anzis guitar is really nice. Please check it out. Anzi: Thank you (laughs)
Ayame: Yeah, This was from Indonasia.So i want to visit Indonasia not just for a performance.Please let me know your recommendations, too.
Ayame: I will be waiting for it!!
Yu: I like the first song.It reflects the metal part of Matenrou Opera. The instrumeltal is just too good. It is playing just now.
Yu: It is very heavy metal. Please listen to it! Sono: The favorite song is Furiru.
Sono: This is our image of briskness. The lyrics are more mature, yet very Rock. Very strong tune.I listen to it when I walk in the morning
Anzy: I like "コールタール". It is a trilogy of heaviness inside me. Ethnic yet dancable. Simply awesome.
Yu: Danceable? Well, it's not like modern dance, but it's like dacing around fire, right?
Anzi:Yeah, some people are dancing like that.I wanted to express that. I successfully joined it. I think. "コールタール" Yoroshiku.
Yu:I have to say this: There is a tweet saying "Yusan looks sleepy" It's 9:30pm now.
Yu: I'm always like this!
Yo: I like "Independet" and "Finare" now more than before. I am tired of listening to strong beats. There are cycles like that..
Yo: ...but I listen to it often still!
Q7: Koori ame Japan. I believe you when you make major debut, and say you will not change the direction of your music. Koori ame Japan. I believe you when you make major debut, and say you will not change the direction of your music.
Sono: But this is our first major record. It's like our name card. So we thought about it too.
Anzi: We don't change the music but we changed our minds regarding our determination in terms of being major.
Sono: Everyone's on diet now...Yu: Not everyone.And next year, we'll have muscles
Anzi: Sono-kun's face does not suit with lots of muscle. Yo: If you want Sono to have more muscle, please tweet it!!
Q8. Lola from columbia.Tell me your dream as Matenrou Opra.I am happy and have fun supporting Matenrou Opera. Please deliver happiness with your words and music to a lot of people
Sono: This is not just with words, but please draw a picture......Sono: Not getting involved in an accident!
Yo: Somehow I want to see Gorilla macho Sono, but I can't imagine it to be good.(laughs)
Sono: If everyone's telling me to, i will try to become a muscle macho.
Yo: Here's a twitter comment: "An-sama is really hot!" Anzi: Let's talk as three. Ayame: How about Brazil?
Yu: I like the band called ANGRA. There's a big event called Rockn Dio. I want to perform there in front of millions of people someday!
Ayame:Speaking of Brazil, it's football! Let's go Yu-kun.I was watching Brazil international and Barcelona match in Yokohama Japan recently.
Ayame: Pato scored.My favorite team lost, though.If you are from Brazil,there is Rafael, who is really hot.I want to go see games in Brazil.
Sono: I want to sing and those stars are opera from the world. This is the dream i want to make it come true
Anzi: It is my goal rather than a dream to "Become a Monster Band".That's what we are talking about, right?
Anzi: I want us to become a great band that everyone knows. I wanna be a rock band fills stadium with thousands of people.
Sono: Let's try! Yu: Let me make this clear. My talent for drawing is the worst in Matenrou.
Yu: The staff is laughing outside! This is the earth..My dream is a world tour. If we disband, there will be no countries we never been to
Ayame: The same, but I also want to play in a football stadium around the world. This is the football stadium!
Yu: Why didn't you draw a foot ball?(laugh) Anzi: I'll add that later
Yo:I want to have a baby girl if I have a fateful encounter and get married. And I will ask her who she likes better: mommy or daddy.
Yo: And it is my dream that she'll say "daddy". Yu: I think it is a big dream. A Monster daddy is good, too.
Sono: Matenrou opera will keep going towards these dreams!
Q9, Sonosama love, Japan.I only love Sono and have a question for him. Since it is your Birthday very soon, what are you looking forward to?
Sono: Thank you. Well, when I'm shadow boxing I get excite.I want to do boxing more seriously.
Sono: However, shadow boxing was impossible somehow.
Ayame:Someone tweeted "I am Emerar" you should say something.
Yo: I am happy for you but you should stay being an "Operar". Yu: Are there any Ayamer? Sono: Is there a Yo-ar?
Ayame: It sounds like "ra-yu" (food) now.
Yu: Shadow boxing?Sono: So I am still practicing (laughs)
Yu: So in either case, Happy Birthday to Sono and there is a reason why we did this during the program like that...here is the cake!
All: Happy Birthday to you!! (sings)
Yu: So please do some shadow boxing directed at the whole world, Sono...
Ayame: There Happy Birthday had been planned even before the program!
Sono: The present I would really like to have is a new cell phone (he lost his just recently...)
Anzi: These are the presents from the members! For the first time? A tour next year so you know...
Yu: I came up this idea and Anzi got it for you...
Anzi: I didn't know either about this surprise. Silver, white, pink. You like strawberries so it's pink.
Sono: Is there such a thing! It is hard to find something if you lost it! (laugh)
Sono: And it sais you need batteries for it.I said he will buy the battery.So Sono you must buy them. (laugh)
Sono: Yes, I will buy the. Yu: Another thing. Yu: we won't go that far! Anzi: I know this it it! Sono: The price tag is this on it! (laugh)
Anzi: The reason why the price tag is still on is that I asked the clerk to take it off but it was really strong was messing things up.
Anzi: So we decided to put it back. And it turned out like this(laughs)
Yu: OK this is the end of surprise party...Yo: Wait! I'm giving something small every year.I give you this!"ONE PIECE God energy key holder"
Sono: If you like ONE PIECE, you know what itis . It is a GOD. It is strong. Yo: Do you know Luffy? Anzi & Yu: We do!
Yu: Thank you very much for your question. This is the end of this part and the party!
Sono: We have also reached the end of the program, which came so fast.
Sono: However, before that, let me tell you about the prize. Go to "prize" on MJP.The application period is from after the show to 12/26.
Sono: More details will be announced on MJP Pick up+. Please check it as well.
Ayame: I was reading the comments but there was a lot from all over the world. There are people saying "Come to my country!"
Ayame:I want to deliver our thoughts through our activities as Matenrou Opera. Please support us further.
Yu: The world now knows Ayamex loves foot ball too. Yo: Yes, liek Takuya Kimura. Sono: How about Yu?
Sono: I think you have seen a side of the member you have never seen before. People who didn't know Matenrou Opera got an idea today.
Damit endete die Übersetzung. Kuerz darauf tweetete musicJAPANplus
The translation tweets @en_mjptv have been stopped due to twitter. We will bring you the rest of the translation soon on musicJAPANplus. We are very sorry for the inconvenience.
Sobald ich irgendwelche Informationen dirsbezüglich erhalte, werde ich den Rest nachtragen.
Zum Abschluss haben Matenrou Opera das PV zu Mou Hitori Hanayome aus dem Mini Album Abyss das am 22.12.2010 heraus kommen wird gezeigt.
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