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Facebook Seite haben girugamesh die Lyrics für ihren Song "pray (English version)", dass sie für die Opfer der Katastrophe in Japan geschrieben haben, veröffentlicht.
pray (English ver.)
lyrics: Satoshi translation: Kota music: girugamesh
If you find yourself feel lonely And you're crying in your heart
Hold my hand I'll be on your side And carry on
When you look upon the sky I wonder if you cry
All I do is pray and kneel Just tell me what you feel
So a wish goes over the seas and the stars though you can't see
It is true that only love can make the world go around
You know a little piece of light might seem so weak but never lose your hope
Now I got the flood of lights here in my hands
If you find yourself feel lonely And you're crying in your heart
Remember you are not alone You and me There's something in between
And I bring your smile back for you Don't forget I'm here with you
Hold my hand I'll be on your side And carry on
I wonder how long will it take Till the freezing rain to stop
I've got nothing I can give But at least the starry sky
I can only pray and wish for you And then my days are passing by
All the thoughts can't go nowhere float in the air
If you are lost in the silence On the night when you can't sleep
You don't know what you should believe Then I want you to listen to this song Never let your hand off on mine So that I can keep you warm
Hold my hand I'll be on your side And carry on
Now, the world becomes one
All the voice and sounds are fading away Can you still hear what I say
But I know everything is gonna be alright 'Cause we know love
If you find yourself feel lonely And you're crying in your heart
Remember you are not alone 'Cause you and me There's something in between
And I bring your smile back for you Don't forget I'm here with you
Hold my hand I'll be on your side And carry on
MySpace vom 14.April.2011: On sale from April 20th, on iTunes Store in Europe
Line up:
- Gesang: Satoshi
- Gitarre: Nii
- Bass: ShuU
- Schlagzeug: Яyo
- Gitarre: Hotaru [2004 / 2004 - Band verlassen]
- Gesang: Tora (ex.Cyrien) [2003 / 2004 - Band verlassen]
Ich liebe diese Lyrics!!!<3