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Am 20.April.2011 wurde SCREW TV Vol.7 ausgestrahlt.
Line up:
Gesang: Byo (ex.Toge)
Gitarre: kazuki
Bass: Rui
Schlagzeug: Jin
Gitarre: Manabu
Bass: Yuto (ex.UJ, ex.YU-TO) [2006 / 2009 - Band verlassen]
Auch dieses mal ist die Übersetzung von en_mjptv
Jin: It's been two months since the last #SCREWTV SHOW! We want to give our best today, too!
Jin: You can participate in 「SCREW TV SHOW」if you have a Twitter account, English speakers please follow「musicJAPANplus」.
Jin: This time I am the MC for this program!
Jin: Is there no applause?
Byo: I'm Byo, on vocals. Kazuki: Kazuki, guitar Manabu: I'm Manabu on guitar Rui: I'm Rui, on bass
Jin: So please tag along for this one hour!
Jin: The SCREW Opinion Poll has scenarios to follow and answer. Okay, so let's decide the first person.
Jin: The first to answer is Kazuki-kun!
Jin: Actually, I'll decide the first person through my own ideas
Question to Kazuki: How many rings do you have?
Rui: This is about the number right now. Right? Jin: Right now, yes!
Manabu: 4 rings: When I went to Kazuki's home last, I checked. Rui: I think it's five! As a guitarist it's not too many.
Jin: I think it is 7 rings.
Kazuki: The right answer is 20. I own quite a bit. Not too many expensive ones. Rui: That's quite a number. Manabu: I don't have that many!
Kazuki: The right answer is 20. I own quite a bit. Not too many expensive ones. Rui: That's quite a number. Manabu: I don't have that many!
Jin: Next is Manabu!
Jin, it seems easy, but actually it's difficult.
Manabu: From your name, what's your most unforgettable nickname.
Byo: My guess is Bubu-chan Kazuki: Manabu soldier, Rui: Manyabu
Manabu: The answer is Manatii.The person I fell in love with first, gave me that name
Manabu: It was my kindergarten teacher at that time.
Manabu: She said she would marry me but she was married to another guy after about 4 years.
Rui: How's this ? (wearing ribbon) ALL:Kawaii!
Manabu: The next question is for Rui. Rui: one morning you wake up and find out you can fly. where would you like to go?
Jin: So the next person is Rui!
Manabu: Hakodate (in Hokkaido), I really would like to go there, too. So I think that would be it.
Kazuki: Cafe! Jin: I think cafe too!
Rui: We wanted to go but we couldn't. Oh well.
So Byo has to wear the glasses with beard and nose attached!
All: That's cute!!
Jin: What do you all think of the name? It's pretty cool isn't it?
"SCREW in Art! Oekaki Baka Yarou" (Drawing Jerks)
Jin: Do you remmebre this corner. It has a title now, which we have chosen. It's cool, isn't it? SCREW in Art! Oekaki Baka Yarou
Jin: The impression is quite different, right? What do you think about it everyone?
Jin: Actually, “SCREW in Art ! ~Oekaki bakayarou)~ is a combination of janka’s idea (Screw in Art) and Maimi’s idea (Oekaki bakayarou).
Everyone: Thank you to janka, and Maimi for their participation.
Jin;: And thank you to everyone for their suggestions!!!
So, amongst all the suggestions we received, all of us together poured over them and considered very carefully! And thus, the new name.
Jin: Well, with that said, let’s start the new corner “SCREW in Art ~Oekaki bakayaou~ right now!
Byo: I'm getting nervous. Jin: This time again we’ll be picking one of the illustrations and give it as a present to one of the viewers.
Jin: OK, so let's start with the first person to draw.
Manabu: I know this one, It's a character I know! Jin: Are you guys getting better at drawing? Rui: I can do this!
Byo: Rui said he can't draw when he can't see it. Maybe he's worse than me. Jin: Kazuki was good last time
Manabu: I'm getting good at drawing thanks to this program Jin: Okay next person is Kazuki!! Kazuki: This is easy! I'm gonna draw good
Jin: Which pictures are you interested in?
Manabu: It is fun, so when I have time, I draw. Not every day, but sometimes.
Kazuki: What do you think`? It's pretty easy to draw plus it looks cool.
Kazuki shows his illustration. Manabu: That's a Beetle
Rui: Oh I thought it was a stag beetle Kazuki: I was thinking of rhinoceros beetle. Manabu: I was thiking of that too.
Jin: It's good . The back is shiny! Byo: We don't have to aim to be funny? Members: No, we are serious!
Manabu: lots of people knew it was a beetle, but some people also said cockroach Jin: NExt, Rui! Rui: Uh oh, that's dangerous.
Rui: finished! (shows illustration) Byo: Is it something from UFO catchers?
Jin: Is it a bear? Rui: give you a hint. Its body and arms, legs are different. and it has tail..
Rui: That's unrelated Manabu: On twitter, people are saying its a panda. Jin: So since the members don't know, please tell us Rui
Jin: Okay Byo, it's your turn.
Rui: It's a Tanuki (Japanese raccoon )
Byo is next!
Kazuki: I want to wear it because everyone else is wearing it!
Rui: You are ruining your Ikemenness (you're losing your good looks!)
Byo presents his drawing and everyone is erruptuing with laughter.
Jin: There's something on its head.... Manabu: It's a freezer! Jin: Is it Byo??
Rui: It's like the skeleton of the character Ampaman.
Jin: We get that!! What's the hint, really!? Byo: The hint is he has a partner.
Byo: No hints here!
Jin: Did I say that? Is it MUKKU? No, I meant is it Gachapin? Byo: You got it!!!
Manabu: Our viewers got the right answer too. Rui: what were you drawing?
Kazuki: Freeza!
Jin: Okay, it's my turn now. Woaaahhhh (after choosing) this is sooo hard!!!
Byo: But you are really good at drawing!
Rui: You got something? huh? (wearing glasses)
Jin: No, I can't do this! Byo: You can draw, but not this time!?
Byo: Let me see it! Jin: This is really impossible for me. The hair is the hint this time.
Rui: He kinda looks like my dad...
Byo: Is it human??? Jin: Yes, it's human! But not Japanese, and a musician...
Kazuki: Mozart? Jin: Close, but no. Byo: Be...bee..??
Jin: No Rui: Ramirez! Byo: Ronaldino Rui: Pele
Jin: So the right answer is Beethoven. I had a hard time drawing though.
Jin: Well, looks like time is up already. So as I said before, let’s pick the best work of art! Everyone, what do you think, which is best?
Jin:Manabu's MUKKU and Byo's GACHAPIN is the best (worst?) drawing! We will sign it and give away!
It went by fast but “SCREW TV SHOW vol.7” is already coming to an end. This time we had a new corner,
... and I think we were able to show a new side of SCREW. What do you think?
Jin: It went by fast but “SCREW TV SHOW vol.7” is already coming to an end.
Jin: This time we had a new corner, and I think we were able to show a new side of SCREW. What do you think?
Byo: This program is getting much better. Rui: The corner was fun. I want to do it again. Byo: I feel like I'm a child again
Rui: I feel like I'm back in kindergarten Manabu: I want to know what other items are! Jin: For the next show!
Kazuki: We should do it two hours long! It's to short! Jin: We want a lot of your tweets!!
Jin: Please tweet and tell us what you want us to do! Byo: We'll do anything!
Jin: Let's talk about what the plans and schedules are from here on for SCREW. Manabu: In 3 days, SCREW will do a one-man at Shibuya O-WEST
Jin: We're currently mid-tour now and today we just came back from Hokkaido. On the 2rd we'll be at Shibuya O-East
Jin: On the 17th of May we'll be at Osaka Muse and the 26th we're going to Sendai. So everyone who has tickets, please look forward to it!
Jin: DEEP SIX has made it to the first position of the indies charts! (Applause) Byo: Number one! thank you!
Jin: So we hope that you will be tagging along with out future activities from here on!
Jin: And on that note, thank you to everyone for watching. Please look forward to next time. This was SCREW! Everyone: Bye bye!!
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