Freitag, 31. Dezember 2010

Over The Edge 2010 Nachtrag

(credist at Over The Edge and the artist)

Die zweite Session Band ist mir nun bekannt.

Session with NERO (Merry)

  • Gesang: Kyo (D'ERLANGER)
  • Gitarre: HIRO (Libraian) 
  • Gitarre: 玲央 (lynch.) Leider bin ich mir nicht sicher ob es sich um Reo oder umYusuke handelt, denn 玲央 würde ich mit Akira Hiroshi überstezen.
  • Bass: YUKKE (MUCC)
  • Schlagzeug: NERO (MERRY)
 Quelle: nerorythem

Montag, 27. Dezember 2010

Jack in the Box

(© all images by MAVERICK DC GROUP. All Rights Reserved))

Am 27.12.2010 war es wieder soweit. Das alljährliche Jack in the Box Event.

Der erste Act Administrator betrat um 15.05 Uhr die Bühne.


SET List
M-1. Promise
M-2. 手招く太陽  (Te maneku taiyō)

Offizelle Homepage: 

Der nächste Act war die Session A Band

Vocal:Paul(44MAGNUM)+ Satoshi(girugämesh)
Guitar:マーティ・フリードマン (Marty Friedman)
Drum:Sakura(Creature Creature / Rayflower) 

Set List
M-1. Shout At The Devil '97
M-2. We R Rock'n'Roll Stars
M-3. In the End  

Um 15:51 Uhr trat die Session B Band auf.

Vocal:ken(L'Arc~en~Ciel)+ SATOchi(MUCC)

Set List

M-1. Lies and Truth
M-2. winter fall 

Die nächste Band war die Session C Band.

Guitar:JUN(spiv states )
Guitar:杉本善徳 (Yoshinori Sugimoto)
Bass:ShuU (girugämesh)

Set List

M-2. I Wish 

Die Saission D Band spielte im Anschluss

Drum:三浦 智也 (Miura Tomoya)(PULLING TEETH)
Key:秦野猛行 (Takeshi-yuki Hanato)

Set List

M-1. Bad Romance
M-2. Telephone
- DJs From Mars Metallica Remix 1 

Nach dieser Session Band betrat Zoro die Bühne


Set List

M-1. 猿愛 (Saru Ai)

offiziele Homepage: Zoro - official site

Creature Creature war der nächste Act


Set List

M-1. Dream Caller
M-2. Red 

offizielle Seiten:

Als nächstes waren girugämesh an der Reihe


Set List

M-1. destiny
M-2. Break Down
M-4. driving time
M-5. evolution 

offiziellen Seiten:

 Die drauffolgende Session E Band bestand aus:


Set List

M-1. また君に恋してる (Mata kimi ni koishi teru)

Als nächstes betrat MUCC die Bühne


Set List

M-1. Falling Down
M-3. Ranchuu
M-4. I am computer

offiziellen Seiten:

Die Session F Band war die letzte Session Band

Drums:yuya (SID)

Set List

M-1. Electric Eye
M-2. Freewheel Burning 

44MAGNUM spielten im Anschluss


Set List

M-1. Take Me To Your Heart

offizielle Homepage:

Wie jedes Jahr war der Abschluss die MAVERICK DC SUPER ALL STARS
Morrie(Creature Creature / DEAD END)

Set List

M-1. 永遠の街-THE “NOISE”CITY- (Eien no machi -THE “NOISE”CITY-)

Dienstag, 21. Dezember 2010


(© all images by the Artist. All Rights Reserved)

Am 21.12.2010 wurde über musicJAPANplus das SCREW TV Vol.4 ausgestrahlt.

Line up:

Vocal: Byo

Guitar: Kazuki

Guitar: Manabu

Bass: Rui

Drums: Jin

Die Übersetzung ist wieder von musiJapanplus.

Der erste Teil war von 

Manab: Hello everyone and Merry Christmas!

Manabu: Hello everyone! This is #SCREWTV SHOW. I will be your host for Vol.4 SCREW guitarist Manabu.

manabu: This has become a regular program and I am assigned to do the MCs

Kazuki: I am uncle santa

Byo: I'm uncle Santa

Rui: I'm bassist Rui! Jin: I am the drummer Jin.

Manabu: Who are you today?

Manabu: Everyone is wearing a hat and I am wearing a ribbon tie. Can you see it? Ok, let’s go!

B: Were all ready

Manabu: This is the 4th #SCREWTV Getting used to the show yet?

Jin: That's right! Even wearing a hat, completely ready.

M: We have received the reactiond to the laast program and we would like to introduce some.

Manabu: Of course there are a lot more, but we'll do what we can with in the time we have

Manabu: From Chiba, Japan. I became really happy watching SCREW having fun! You make me feel comfort and I can work hard from tomorrow too!

M:I am looking forward to #SCREWTV too! I love SCREW!!!

M: From Aomori I can’t go to your live so I am looking forward to this live program! I am happy I could cry(;_;)

Manabu: There are lots of message from overseas too! And people are getting excited on twitter. How is twitter?

Rui: We're doing well about getting excited! Jin: We're seeing everyone's comments!

Manabu: From Hokkaido. I enjoy every #SCREWTV . I can feel closer to SCREW through livestream, twitter etc. Looking forward to SCREW TV.

Rui: Please remember to type in #SCREWTV !

Manabu: We have many more but due to time limitation, we could only show 5 of them.

Manabu: Speaking of twitter, we said let’s make #SCREWTV no.1. As we tweeted after the show it became No.1 in entertainment category!

M: Isn’t that great? So we should aim for No.1 again. If you are participating from twitter, please use #SCREWTV when you tweet.

M: So this time we have prepared special contents!!! This is first time for #SCREWTV show...”We deliver a message from SCREW.”

Manabu: Let's get it even higher in that category

M: Let's start with the first project! Here are the messages to SCREW

Message corner: Your girlfriend made curry and it is looking great! You were excited to eat but it tasted horrible.

Message corner: She is waiting for your words. What are you going to tell her?

Jin: Without being hurtful?! It makes sense... "I'm filled up with love!"

M: Ok, like this. Next is Rui. Go!

Rui: Okay, then this please.

M: It’s your first date with her but you are 30 minute late. She was still waiting there. What are you going to tell her?

M: 30 minutes is long. If you are making 1000 yen an hour, it's 500 yen.

Rui: Okay. "I'm sorry. Forgive me."

K:Moeeeee! Rui: Being tardy is bad. K:Moeeeee!

M:You have been in a long distance relationships for 3 years. You guys start to fight on the phone.

M: She says “How long are we going to be apart? I miss you!” and starts to talk about breaking up. How are you going to stop her?

K:It is almost impossible and difficult question!Lots of questions about girlfriend(laughs),it's telephone.Manabu, you be my girlfriend now.

M: “How long are we going to be apart? I wanna breakup with you!”

K: Let's move in together! Will you move in with me!? Or what are you going to do ? Breaking up with me?

M:I won't move in with you! Byo: Its not necessary Rui: Twitter is really heavy right now.

M:You go to the library one day. You are looking for a book. Then you find a girl who is trying to reach a book on the top shelf.

M: You get the book for her - what do you say when you give it to her?

Byou; Your undies are cute M: Come again? Byo; well I'd say your underwear is cute. M: It was an answer which is a great example.

R: Your girlfriend worked all night on a presentation without sleeping. But, her boss gave harsh words which made her come home depressed.

R: Now some kind words for this girl who is about to cry.

Rui: This girl is right in front of you right now. Please, Manabu. Manabu: Your presentation sucked! Kazuki: That's tough!

(Jin is very surprised with Manabu's response)

Manabu:you came into the classroom to pickup something you forgot. Then you met a girl you have crush on! What are you going to tell her?

M: You can say something or you can do something about it. Jin; That's just a wild delusion of yours is it not, Manabu!?

Jin: Just how late are you left at school? (laugh) Jin: "Actually, I really liked you". Is what I'd say. Byo: Teacher??

Rui: This will get embarrassing! Manabu: Are you embarrassed? Jin: I can't take such a big risk into for one thing; that's tough.

Manabu: Next! "Tell us what moves your heart. Or tell us what you want to be told in what situation."

M: Let's make it "You went to the classroom to pickup something you forgot. There you met a girl you like! What are you going to tell her?"

Manabu: Ok Rui? Rui: Okay, understand. I'd like to be told, "Can we go home together?" Manabu: That's good.

R: It'd be nice if we were just alone, the two of us. M: Ok, Kazuki. K: I'm the same...Something I wanna be told? and a girl you like?

Kazuki:"Hey, do you have something to do later"? Manabu: Same as Rui. I understand I think! Kazuki: It's close so I was thinking what to do.

Kazuki: Like "Let's move in together." (laughs)

Rui: I don't have much experience with that sort of thing, so I'd like to be told "I want to go home together". I wish!

Kazuki: I wanna be told this! I have never experienced anything like that!

manabu: Have you told that before? Kazuki: Of course. Manabu: How about Byo? Byo: I'd lock up the classroom "you cant see me"

K: She'll say "what's with that beard!?" (laughs) Byou; Teacher, its alright

Manabu: You want a female teacher to lock the door in this classroom? Byo:' If my teacher was there, please talk to me on twitter!

M: Next, Jin! J: Something I want to be told? M:You're eating...

Manabu: What if Madonna comes in. Jin: In a swimsuit? Jin: "Jin, There was a swimsuit left in the pool.

Jin: Oh, and let's go eat sushi" I want to be told this.

manabu: You'd leave your swimsuit? Byo: Will you eat it?! Jin: I'd probably be doing both. Kazuki: How about Manabu!?

B: Sushi? Why Sushi? J: They'd be embarrassed talking about the swimsuit and just remember that. Then we'd go eat sushi.

Manabu: So it is like this. Oh, me? Ok. What was the situation?

Rui:A word to the girl you like who just came into the classroom! Manabu: Just go home!".....I don't know!!! Kazuki: It's not your mom!

Jin; Like you want to be told, Hurry up and go home?

Manabu: Next Kazuki. "Make your best MOE proposal to the camera." Kazuki:" Moe propossal..." in any situation.

M: If you're ready, I'll count. You're on a hill, and it's the right time!

Kazuki:Ok,Manabu, you'd be my girlfriend again. I brought you here. Manabu: Me again. Kazuki: "It's getting cold."

Manabu: Why did you bring me here?

K: It's a bit chilly. M: Why did you bring me here? K: I have something important to tell you. I bought a house! Let's move in together!

M: I don't understand this well.Have you bought a house already? Kazuki: Yeah, I already bought it (laughs) Title is "House on the hill"

M: Next, Byo. You're on a date. You enjoyed a movie and dinner, and it’s time for the last train. You don’t want her to go!What do you say?

Byou: The last train....I see.Wait a minute! Kazuki: Let's kill 50 seconds (for Byo)! (laughs) Manabu: I feel chocked with this ribbon tie.

Jin: Manabu, you were wearing a necktie this entire time! I just noticed!

M: Byo, are you ready? R: What would you do, Jin? J: I only have one line: "Do you wanna go eat sushi with me?"

Kazuki: I know you were gonna say it! Jin; It's really fancy. Don't finish it with just one sentence! So you'd be the girlfriend again.

M: Okay Byo stop her from taking the train. 3,2,1....

B: I'd be like "Hmm", what should i do about my burning heart! the only thing that can cool it down is you.

Rui: hm---... This is, Yeah. #SCREWTV PLEASE!! (laugh) Rui: You can forget about me, but please #SCREWTV!!! (laugh)

Rui: Everyday is like your girlfriends birthday! When you give her a present

R: It your new girlfriend’s birthday! It is the first time to celebrate it with her so you prepared a nice present.

R: What do you say when you give it to her?

Rui: Like the "First Birthday" type of thing. Jin: I have to say, House... Sushi!! and stuff!

Manabu: So you prepare a present and what are you gonna say when you hand it to her?

K: Let's wait 30 seconds for Jin! J: We're asking about your favourite sushi!

Kazuki: Tell us how to mend a heart that’s been broken at #SCREWTV

Rui: Don't forget the hash tag!! Okay, well then with these two... Byo: You mean "The last train or Byo, which is the most important?"

Rui: Manabu Manabu: This is the proof of love! SUSHI! Kazuki: Ok, 3, 2, 1 Everyone in studio is laughing Manabu: I can't hold it anymore..

M: I can't hold it in any longer!! Will we do this again? We don't know yet.I'm too scared to look, but give us feedback on Twitter!

M: This is our first project

Manabu: This is the Q&A corner. This time as well, we would like to answer questions from the watchers. LISA from America.

M: Christmas is close, what is it that you want most?"

Manabu: It's almost christmas, what do you want? From Santa?

Byo: A while ago I borrowed Rui's iPad and drew a picture, I'd like to have one too just for the purpose of drawing pictures

Manabu: Such a chaotic picture...You gonna draw on it everyday. Ok, Kazuki.

Kazuki: I want a Guitar amp. We will be doing recording soon. It's heavy though!

M: Is he going to bring it? K: Santa's working really hard right now! (Laughs)

Manabu: Rui-san! Rui: Me too, I think an Amp, or like a PC I'd like too have. Rui: Oh, and a hash tag! Don't forget!!

M: Don't forget #SCREWTV ! R: Amps and stuff. There's a lot of stuff I want to try out. I'll have to write a letter!

Manabu: Ok, Jin. Jin: Sushi.... Kazuki: If its just sushi i'll get it for you! But you have to give me something back!

J: I don't think I can take anymore... K: I'll buy you as much sushi as you want, so buy me an amplifier! (laughs)

Rui; Okay, me and Kazuki will buy you all the sushi you want, so buy us Amps. Jin; (laugh) Manabu: Me? Laptop

K: It's pretty useful if you have one... B: Realistic/practical

Manabu: When do you started to play bass guitar (to Rui). Rui: In middle school, 3rd year? about 15...

M: Which song is easiest to copy? R: SCREW's I think?

Manabu: Choose a song from DUALITY! Rui: If by bass, the best that has a lot of stuff to do is ROSARY I think.

Rui: If you want to play by ear, "DUALITY" is probably the easiest to hear.

Manabu: I want to release a music score book as a musician. I really do! Seriously!

Manabu: Ok, Next question. When do you feel "I am cool"? Everyone is good looking though!

K: I feel that Manabu is the hottest. Manabu, do something about it. M: When I feel I'm cool?

K: I was expecting you to be naked but for that ribbon tie.

Kazuki: It can be some kind of movement. Manabu: Ok here....Without the mic. (Takes off his jacket but stops.)

Byou: Its just a misunderstanding. Kazuki: I want to go to the dead sea. Where is the dead-sea?

K: Greece, isn't it? R: Greece, I think? K: You can float in the Dead Sea right? I want to play the guitar there!

Manabu: That’s something new. How about Jin? Jin: The statute of liberty. Byo; Playing VEGAS in Las Vegas

M: That's just the way it is. Byo: Argentina would be nice too

Wegen irgendwelcher Probleme wurde der Rest der Übersetzung bei getwittert.

K: It's Saint Seiya! R: Yeah that might be Greece!

Rui: I'd like to do a song that's heart warmining. In front of a temple.." Kazuki: Manabu? Manabu: Me? Kazuki: I see thanks.

Manabu: Louise/Philippines: If you could become a character in a comic or a novel, who would you want to become?

Rui: Hm, I'd like to be Ciel from Kuro Shitsuji. He's really selfish. I'd like to work a butler hard. This manga is really fun

Byo: I don't know much about manga or novels, but I'd want to be Chawan. Manabu: You want to be Chawan?

R: You want to be cleaned up? Washed?

Jin: From way back, I really like the Simpsons and I'd really like to be like them. I want to be in an anime!

J: Yeah, like that! Hey! We're waiting for offers!

Kazuki: EVANGELION, GUNDAM, those kind of robots! "Kazuki: No, actually Kiririn from Dragon ball . He is the strongest on the earth.

Jin: Somethingsomething Valican! Kazuki: How about Manabu? Vegeta?

M: Yeah it would suit my hairstyle. Maybe Cell.

Manabu: Do you remember we had quiz about “DUALITY” PV? We announce the answer and the winners today.

Manabu: Let’s watch “DUALITY” once again before the answer. Who’s lighter it is?

M: Well that was DUALITY by SCREW but let me tell you one thing. We said you will know when you watch this till the end

M: and most of the people answered “Jin” (laughs) Is it yours Jin?

Jin: The truth is, It's not mine! Manabu: Who’s is it? Everyone will think it’s Jin’s right?

Kazuki: Me, it is impossible to find out. Even our staff thought it’s Jin’s. I am surprised but there are few people answered correctly.

Kazuki: It is a question of whose property it is.

Manabu: So we will give a presents to the winners! And it’s Christmas so we dressed like this.

K: Manabu, You're not wearing the ribbon tie anymore. Manabu: Because it was choking me.

Manabu: Anyways, it's a present. We have two presents A and B!

Manabu: Prize A. Christmas card handwritten by the members of SCREW (3 persons)

M: Before the beginning of this program, did everyone write a message on it?? We’ll give those away as presents!

M: We'll ask 10 winners to "give us a situation" or "tell us what they want us to say"

M: and during the broadcast of the next SCREW TV SHOW, we'll present you with this message.

K: We did it before in the music room. Rui: Theres some really outrageous stuff drawn!M: It was do whatever you want! So thats what we did!

M:Well, the winners of prize A are…Ray, from Singapore. Yukiko, from Hokkaido. Azami from Gunma prefecture

M:The message comment from SCREW (10 people) There is extra footage like!

M:As for the winners of the B prize, in a few days, you will receive more information from the MJP editors through the email.

M:Therefore, those who have email reception settings, please be sure to set it to allow emails from “”

M: The details will be clearly explained in the email, so please check it very well!

Rui: We've gotten a little better at this than from when we started off. This live feed, for 2010, this is the last one,

Rui: ...but thank you very much for an enriching time.

Kazuki: I had fun, I’s becoming better. Manabu: Being the host is difficult… Kazuki: But you were smooth.Manabu: Not as bad as you are.

B:let's see. My beard is in the way. It's kind of unsual so I ended up wearing it.

Byo:After this, I want it to be more of a comedia. those who watched me today are lucky! next yar ill shave my beard

K: It's a real beard? Wow, it's grown so fast!

Byou; and I dont know when I' ll be doing the MC, but ill do my best Manabu: Starting 9:00PM on January 28th 2011. Let’s announce next host.

M: Rui!! R: ME!? M: Try! R: Ok, I'll do my best. ...Will I be ok!?

Rui; I was sort of forced into this right now, wasn't I? (laugh) Manabu: Please look forward to the next Stream!

Manabu: Rui will try his best in the new year!

Manabu: Thank you so much for today! The next stream will be on 1/28. Is there anything left?

M: This time, for our Nagoya concert, there's no sale! We're waiting for everyone overseas to come, too!

Kazuki: I do! Jin; There is! Rui: Theres a lot! Rui: Hash tag!!! Kazuki:Have a happy new year!

All: Bye bye!!

Mal sehen wie lange YouTube das PV Duality (german subs) lassen wird :)

Montag, 20. Dezember 2010

Alice 9 bei Nicovideo

(© by the Artist. All Rights Reserved)

Line up:

  • Gesang: Shou
  • Gitarre: Tora
  • Gitarre: Hiroto
  • Bass: Saga
  • Schlagzeug: Nao

Am 18.Dezember.2010 haben Alice 9 bei Nicoviedeo ein kleines Live gegeben. So viel ich weiß, ist es das Letzte für dieses Jahr.

Hier ist die englische Übersetzung der Übertragung von dear_numbers

Tora: Don't laught at me.

Shou: [at Saga] You got the wrong hat.

Saga: [about all the pranks he got this year] If I'd known, I wouldn't have joined this band!

Saga: It's hard to talk with this mustache.

Tora: You can take it off whenever you want.

Saga: It's alright.

Tora: You take surprisingly good care of it. *as Saga strokes his huge white beard*

Tora: Lots of people said "when are they going to cut?" [while broadcasting Stargazer:'s PV]

Tora: Others said they wanted to see "Hana".

They're talking about the project they have for today. They said there probably won't be any surprises today.

Those are the presents they'll be giving.

Shou: This is the one I want the most [about the iphone 4g]

They said the iphone would probably as impossible to win as airing the full version of a new PV

Tora: Monster... Hunter... not the third... the regular one.

Tora: Speaking of winter sports... snorkel!

Fans call using the Nico-phone application. The prize will be decided by playing darts.

Of course, the iphone target is really small.

Saga made a practice try and got the fish calendar.

Saga was reading the wrong board.

The first person is from Fukushima. Saga is from Fukushima-ken too.

The girl wanted the iphone, but since Saga missed, she's getting a postcard that's not even signed. The members say it's harsh.

Since the second girl said she didn't have tickets for the Budoukan they asked her to choose between getting 2 free tickets or one of the "cheap" prizes. She chose the tickets.

The guy wanted the iphone but he's getting the fish calendar. He said he'd give it to his dad.

Saga: I won't take it off even for the Budoukan [when Tora said Saga didn't take off is beard during the whole program]

Did you see how close Tora got to get the iphone in the small screen at the end?


Sonntag, 19. Dezember 2010

Matenrou Opera bei MusicJapanPlus TV

(© by the Artist. All Rights Reserved)

Am 17.Dezember.2010 war Matenrou Opera bei MusicJapanPlus TV, bei dem die Members Fragen von Fans beantworteten, die sie vorher bei MusicJapanPlus stellen konnten.

Hier die englsiche Übersetzung des Auftrittes von mjptv

Sono: Hello everyone watching Matenrou #OperaTV, we'll be with you for an hour! And the program will be aired world wide!

Sono: Let us introduce our selves. Anzi: I’m Matenrou opera's guitar Anzi.

Ayame: I’m Ayame on keyboard. Fans from all over the world are watching,I'm excited.

Yo: Hello everyone. I am bassist Yo. Enjoy this time with us.

Sono: This is Matenrou Opera! Hope you enjoy the show today.

Ayame: To participate in the program make sure to use the #tag #OperaTV and tweet for us! Make sure to follow @, too

Sono: Don't forget the #tag and let's get excited!

Sono: This is Matenrou #OperaTV and here is the Q&Q corner!

Sono: We have received a number of questions from people around the world and we would like to answer those. Here is the first question!

From England: Congrats to your major debut. I like the music of Matenrou Opera a lot. I hope you'll come to London some time. I will keep supporting you and I would like to know how you came together as the band Matenrou Opera

Vocal: Sono and me were in former band together, which disbanded. We knew what we wanted to from a next band so we looked for new members.

Sono: We had hard time finding next members, though

Yu: They knew Yu. We were looking for a member for about a month. Like "Isn't there a bassist somewhere?"

Yo: Yeah, I know. I was told that they were talking about the same story that they didn't have a bassist.

Yo: It continued for almost a month so I offered to become their bassist.

Yu: I was like: "Oh! Really? Aren't you busy?" It was a little more complicated than this, though!

Anzi: Ok, I was kind of free, actually. Yes, this is the real story (laughs)! Yu: He came to studio and we had session. They all liked you.

Yo: First, we talked in a cafe where Anzi always goes. He was a silent guy and never spoke.

Sono: The first time when we talked in a cafe he didn't talk much. I thought he was a very silent type.

Yu: We were desperately looking for a keyboardist. Ayame was there and we talked to him....

Ayame:The first time we met was a backstage of a live house.Sono just came in when I was changing. Then talked infront of italian restaurant

Q2: Akihiko from Venezuela. In South America there are a lot of Opera fans! If you were doing a world tour please come to South America! Please tell us about your memories since you formed a band.

Sono:Do you have any? Anzy: We were going to Europe together at the end of March. Yu: We went abroad before doing our tour in Japan

Anzy: That time, the plane was delayed and we were supposed to be in Sweden a day earlier. However we arrived the next day in the morning.

Anzi: We stopped by hotel to take shower and headed right on.

Yu: Someone's shampoo exploded. Anzi: It did! While we were on the plane.

There are tweets saying "sonokawaii" and "ayax Kawaii" (laugsh)

Q3. Aya from Singapore. Congratulations to your major debut! What do you think about your major debut? We love Matenrou Opera! Hope come to Singapore sometime!

Yu: I went to Singapore with my family. I watched Ma-lion from far away. Sono: can we talk about our major debut now??(laughs)

Ayame:We would like people to listen to our music as we'll have more chances now with our major debut.

Q4: Suzanna from Sweden. We have formed the Swedish street team in 2008. We are supporting your ever since then. Can we expect a Europe (overseas) tour in 2011? We will keep supporting you always!

Ayame:As we are looking at it,theer are many people who want us to come to their country: Brazil,Venezuera,Hungary, Netherlands. Let's go!

Yu: There are so many countries!!

Ayame: There is a question asking "Sono san are those fake glasses?" Sono: No they are real!

Yu: One question, one answer! We are always like this. (laughs)

Anzi: In 2008, we have promised that we will be back when we were overseas.We want to realize overseas tour again. We'll be back!!!

Q5. Vikki from Russia. Before you started music, who inspired you or who still inspires you? Russian fans love Matenrou IOpera.

Ayame:She is russisan.I love Tchaikovsky. When I started making music i bought software for writing music which contained the Nutcracker.

Ayame: Since then I started to listen to Tchaikovsky. When I listen to 15 sec of the music, I will know which one it is! I love it!

Ayame: The world cup will also be held in Russia. Please invite me then! Sono: Have a nice trip

Yo: Speaking of Russia: When I pick this up, my brother is married and his wife is Russian. I definitely want to go to Russia.

Yo: Ayame, let's go together. My favorite bassist is Billy Jean of Mr. Big.

Yu: I love the Russian anthem. I love it. I started drum because of YOSHIKI san. My generations are usually inspired by YOSHIKI.

Yu: My favoriete artist: METALLICA is why I started to listen to western music. I went to see their live performance a little before.

Yu: I want METALLICA to come to Japan again! Anzi: IRON MAIDEN my top heavy metal monster band.

Anzi:They're the reason why I started to play the guitar.The fusion of classic&electric guitar was what got me into it.They are pioneers.

Anzi: My guitar color is also a little effected by him. I want to thank them someday if I have chance to see them.

Sono: It was X JAPAN' YOSHIKI. But this is a question from overseas... I like HELLOWEEN's volcal since was a student.

Sono: People ask me about my vibrato often.It is effected by him. Anzi: They just had live performance in Japan. Yu: I almost cried.

Ayame:It says: "IRON MAIDEN" is playing next year close to my place. But the ticket price is too high." Should this kid go or not?

Anzi:You should definitely go! I went to their live show in Saitama.They are so cool. Please go!

Q6: Fusinsi from Indonasia. Which is your favorite song in "Abyss"? And name the reason too? I hope for your happiness and your success.

All: Thank you! Sono: The favorite song in Abyss...? Ayame: I like "Futari" Sono: That's surprising.

Ayame: It has a simple melody and anzis guitar is really nice. Please check it out. Anzi: Thank you (laughs)

Ayame: Yeah, This was from Indonasia.So i want to visit Indonasia not just for a performance.Please let me know your recommendations, too.

Ayame: I will be waiting for it!!

Yu: I like the first song.It reflects the metal part of Matenrou Opera. The instrumeltal is just too good. It is playing just now.

Yu: It is very heavy metal. Please listen to it! Sono: The favorite song is Furiru.

Sono: This is our image of briskness. The lyrics are more mature, yet very Rock. Very strong tune.I listen to it when I walk in the morning

Anzy: I like "コールタール". It is a trilogy of heaviness inside me. Ethnic yet dancable. Simply awesome.

Yu: Danceable? Well, it's not like modern dance, but it's like dacing around fire, right?

Anzi:Yeah, some people are dancing like that.I wanted to express that. I successfully joined it. I think. "コールタール" Yoroshiku.

Yu:I have to say this: There is a tweet saying "Yusan looks sleepy" It's 9:30pm now.

Yu: I'm always like this!

Yo: I like "Independet" and "Finare" now more than before. I am tired of listening to strong beats. There are cycles like that..

Yo: ...but I listen to it often still!

Q7: Koori ame Japan. I believe you when you make major debut, and say you will not change the direction of your music. Koori ame Japan. I believe you when you make major debut, and say you will not change the direction of your music.

Sono: But this is our first major record. It's like our name card. So we thought about it too.

Anzi: We don't change the music but we changed our minds regarding our determination in terms of being major.

Sono: Everyone's on diet now...Yu: Not everyone.And next year, we'll have muscles

Anzi: Sono-kun's face does not suit with lots of muscle. Yo: If you want Sono to have more muscle, please tweet it!!

Q8. Lola from columbia.Tell me your dream as Matenrou Opra.I am happy and have fun supporting Matenrou Opera. Please deliver happiness with your words and music to a lot of people

Sono: This is not just with words, but please draw a picture......Sono: Not getting involved in an accident!

Yo: Somehow I want to see Gorilla macho Sono, but I can't imagine it to be good.(laughs)

Sono: If everyone's telling me to, i will try to become a muscle macho.

Yo: Here's a twitter comment: "An-sama is really hot!" Anzi: Let's talk as three. Ayame: How about Brazil?

Yu: I like the band called ANGRA. There's a big event called Rockn Dio. I want to perform there in front of millions of people someday!

Ayame:Speaking of Brazil, it's football! Let's go Yu-kun.I was watching Brazil international and Barcelona match in Yokohama Japan recently.

Ayame: Pato scored.My favorite team lost, though.If you are from Brazil,there is Rafael, who is really hot.I want to go see games in Brazil.

Sono: I want to sing and those stars are opera from the world. This is the dream i want to make it come true

Anzi: It is my goal rather than a dream to "Become a Monster Band".That's what we are talking about, right?

Anzi: I want us to become a great band that everyone knows. I wanna be a rock band fills stadium with thousands of people.

Sono: Let's try! Yu: Let me make this clear. My talent for drawing is the worst in Matenrou.

Yu: The staff is laughing outside! This is the earth..My dream is a world tour. If we disband, there will be no countries we never been to

Ayame: The same, but I also want to play in a football stadium around the world. This is the football stadium!

Yu: Why didn't you draw a foot ball?(laugh) Anzi: I'll add that later

Yo:I want to have a baby girl if I have a fateful encounter and get married. And I will ask her who she likes better: mommy or daddy.

Yo: And it is my dream that she'll say "daddy". Yu: I think it is a big dream. A Monster daddy is good, too.

Sono: Matenrou opera will keep going towards these dreams!

Q9, Sonosama love, Japan.I only love Sono and have a question for him. Since it is your Birthday very soon, what are you looking forward to?

Sono: Thank you. Well, when I'm shadow boxing I get excite.I want to do boxing more seriously.

Sono: However, shadow boxing was impossible somehow.

Ayame:Someone tweeted "I am Emerar" you should say something.

Yo: I am happy for you but you should stay being an "Operar". Yu: Are there any Ayamer? Sono: Is there a Yo-ar?

Ayame: It sounds like "ra-yu" (food) now.

Yu: Shadow boxing?Sono: So I am still practicing (laughs)

Yu: So in either case, Happy Birthday to Sono and there is a reason why we did this during the program like is the cake!

All: Happy Birthday to you!! (sings)

Yu: So please do some shadow boxing directed at the whole world, Sono...

Ayame: There Happy Birthday had been planned even before the program!

Sono: The present I would really like to have is a new cell phone (he lost his just recently...)

Anzi: These are the presents from the members! For the first time? A tour next year so you know...

Yu: I came up this idea and Anzi got it for you...

Anzi: I didn't know either about this surprise. Silver, white, pink. You like strawberries so it's pink.

Sono: Is there such a thing! It is hard to find something if you lost it! (laugh)

Sono: And it sais you need batteries for it.I said he will buy the battery.So Sono you must buy them. (laugh)

Sono: Yes, I will buy the. Yu: Another thing. Yu: we won't go that far! Anzi: I know this it it! Sono: The price tag is this on it! (laugh)

Anzi: The reason why the price tag is still on is that I asked the clerk to take it off but it was really strong was messing things up.

Anzi: So we decided to put it back. And it turned out like this(laughs)

Yu: OK this is the end of surprise party...Yo: Wait! I'm giving something small every year.I give you this!"ONE PIECE God energy key holder"

Sono: If you like ONE PIECE, you know what itis . It is a GOD. It is strong. Yo: Do you know Luffy? Anzi & Yu: We do!

Yu: Thank you very much for your question. This is the end of this part and the party!

Sono: We have also reached the end of the program, which came so fast.

Sono: However, before that, let me tell you about the prize. Go to "prize" on MJP.The application period is from after the show to 12/26.

Sono: More details will be announced on MJP Pick up+. Please check it as well.

Ayame: I was reading the comments but there was a lot from all over the world. There are people saying "Come to my country!"

Ayame:I want to deliver our thoughts through our activities as Matenrou Opera. Please support us further.

Yu: The world now knows Ayamex loves foot ball too. Yo: Yes, liek Takuya Kimura. Sono: How about Yu?

Sono: I think you have seen a side of the member you have never seen before. People who didn't know Matenrou Opera got an idea today.

Damit endete die Übersetzung. Kuerz darauf tweetete musicJAPANplus

The translation tweets @ have been stopped due to twitter. We will bring you the rest of the translation soon on musicJAPANplus. We are very sorry for the inconvenience.

Sobald ich irgendwelche Informationen dirsbezüglich erhalte, werde ich den Rest nachtragen.

Zum Abschluss haben Matenrou Opera das PV zu Mou Hitori Hanayome aus dem Mini Album Abyss das am 22.12.2010 heraus kommen wird gezeigt.

Freitag, 17. Dezember 2010


(© all images by the Artist. All Rights Reserved)

JaME hat einen Live Reportüber ihre Show im Budokan verfasst. Diesen könnt ihr hier nach lesen.

ONE OK ROCK haben einen wechselnden Sound, der von Rock zu PUNK, von PUNK zu Dance und dann ab und zu auch zu Pop reicht.

Line up

Vocals:  Taka

  Vocals, guitar: Toru

Bass: Ryota

Drums: Tomoya

Ehemalige Members:

Guitar: Alex (2005-2009/Band verlassen)

Drums: Tomo






Mittwoch, 15. Dezember 2010

MUCC Tour 2010 "Chemical Parade" at Kashiwa Drunkard's STADIUM

(credits by LucaNedes)

Wie angekündigt, wurde am 14.Dezember.2010 ein erneuter Livestream aus Kashiwa (Präfektur Chiba) übertragen.


01 Chemical Parade (first tune)
02 Falling Down
03 Zeroshiki
04 Chemical Parade Blueday
05 Fuzz
06 Circus
07 Daraku
08 mc
09 Utagoe
10 Shougyoushisou Kyoujidai Koushikyoku
11 I am Computer
12 Polaris
13 Hane
14 Yakusoku
15 mc
16 Shoufu
17 Namonaki Yume
18 houkou
19 lion
20 mc
21 Dakirai
22 Ranchuu
23 Freesia
24 Karma (ending tunes)

SYNCMUSICJAPAN hatte über Twitter einige Sätze der MCs ins englische übersetzt.

Tatsuro: We are MUCC! It's so hot!
Tatsuro: I'm drenched wet! Are you all hot and sweaty too?
Tatsuro: Today,we are on USTREAM, so everyone scream!! Scream more!!

Zwischen den SongsShoufu und Houkou

Miya: Leave your worries and burdens right here!!

Zwischen den Songs Houkou und Lion

Tatsuro: We're gonna die together now! EVERYONE JUMP TOGETHER!!

Tatsuro: You guys never get tired, don't you? You all are monsters!!
Tatsuro: Our cheif manager's baby might be born, on this very day 12/14!! Isn't it wonderful?
Tatsuro: Now, Yukke has something fun to tell you!

YUKKE: This venue's so hot!! From the heat from you all, thank you
YUKKE: You know, there's a big street on the way here, it actually continues on all the way to my hometown in Ibaraki
YUKKE: I spent a lonely Christmas one time around this area, so today, I'm going to make a good memory and replace the sad memory with this fun memory with everyone at this live!!

Miya: Yeah!!! We so LACK OXYGEN here!!
Miya: Our memory was that we used to do our rehearsals at a studio here in Kashiwa area and the very first date that I ever had was here in Kashiwa too! So, I guess this is a memorable place for me!

Tatsuro: girugamesh's ShuU is here today to watch the show, so if you find him, he'll shake your hands

SATOchi: I have no oxygen in my brain, so my brain doesn't listen to what I'm ordering the body to do

Tatsuro: Its not the lack of oxygen, but you're usually just like that XD

SATOchi: Yeah! I'll tell you what I learned... roaches don't die even tho they don't drink water!!

Zwischen den Songs Ranchuu und Freesia

Tatsuro: Everybody, we're gonna jump together on 4!

Als sie von der Bühne gingen

Tatsuro: Thank you

SATOchi: This concludes the live, so please have a safe trip back home! Don't forget my story about roaches and oxygen! See you again! Bye bye!

Montag, 13. Dezember 2010

Mai verlässt Kra

(© by the Artist. All Rights Reserved)

Wie JaME World am 13.Dezember.2010 bekannt gegeben hat, wird der Gitarrist Mai die Band aus gesundheitlichen Gründen verlassen. Mai hat laut der PS COMPANY seit längerer Zeit Probleme mit seiner Gesundheit und will sich nach seinem Austritt ganz auf seine Genesung konzentrieren.

Sein letztes Live mit der Band wird ihre Tour Finale in der CC Lemon Hall am 28. Dezember sein.

Mai war seit den Anfängen von Kra 2001 Mitglied der Band.

Die übrigen drei Mitglieder, Keiyuh, Yuhra und Yasuno wollen die Band als Trio weiter führen.

Alles gute für deine Zukunft Mai und dass du bald wieder ganz gesund wirst.

Immer noch mein Lieblingssong von der Band


Freitag, 10. Dezember 2010

Watch MUCC show on USTREAM on December 14th!

December 14th Show Broadcast Live to the world via USTREAM
Watch it on Sync Music Japan, NEXUS or USTREAM on MySpace!
MUCC Tour 2010 "Chemical Parade" @ Kashiwa Drunkard's STADIUM show will be broadcast.
Click here to watch USTREAM
USTREAM on MySpace

06:30 PM Tokyo
02:30 PM Moscow
01:30 AM Los Angeles
04:30 AM New York
07:30 AM Buenos Aires
09:30 AM London
10:30 AM Paris

Neues Livestream von MUCC

(© by the Artist. All Rights Reserved)

Wie bei Twitter am 10.Dezwmber.2010 von dem offiziellen MUCC (englisch Übersetzung) Acc bekannt gegeben wurde, werden MUCC ein weiters Konzert streamen.

Tweet von muccoffical:

December 14th Show Broadcast Live to the world via USTREAM Watch it on Sync Music Japan, NEXUS or USTREAM on...

 Genauere Informationen folgen, solbald sie bekannt gegeben werden.

Sonntag, 5. Dezember 2010

MUCC erneut bei USTREAM

(credits by LucaNedes)

Wie Miya von MUCC über Twitter versprochen hatte, wurde heute am 05.Dezember.2010 ein erneuter Livestream aus Fukuoka übertragen.

Der Stream wurde auf dem offiziellen MUCC USTREAM Channel gesendet.


01 chemical parade
02 falling down
03 zeroshiki
04 chemical parade blueday
05 fuzz
06 circus
07 daraku
08 utagoe
09 shougyou shisoukyou jidai kouseikyoku
10 i am computer
11 polaris
12 hane
13 yakusoku
14 suimin
15 namonaki yume
16 houkou
17 lion

Dienstag, 30. November 2010

SCREW TV Volume.3

(© by MJP. All Rights Reserved)

ScReW Members: 


Am Montag, den 29.November.2010 hielten SCREW ihre 3. Live Talk Show.

Hier wieder die englische Übersetzung von MJP TV .

Kazuki: Hello everyone! This is your MC Kazuki Vol.3 just started.

Kazuki: There has been a server trouble because of too much traffic,but that won't stop us!

Manabu:I'm manabu on guitar.

R:I'm Rui on bass. J:Jin on Drums

K:I'm Kazuki and will be your host tonight and I play guitar.Thanks for the support, SCREWTV is Volume.3 this time. What do you think?

Jin: I enjoyed the 1st and 2nd time. This is the 3rd. I don't know what's going to happen with this TV program so I leave it to Kazuki-san.

Kazuki:Ok, this is the SCREWTV SHOW & it's highly popular. And: SURPRISE! The SCREWTV SHOW will be airing as a regularly program.

Manabu: I'm so happy it'll be a regular, I was nervous the first time and second, but then I got a little used to it,feeling we can do more.

Kazuki: What do you think everyone? Jin:I'm so happy. Rui:I want to get used to talking. Kazuki: So what are we doing lately?

Jin: We have been touring and we are right before one man show, we are inhigh-spirits for it!

Manabu: Rehearsals have started, we started to write songs. The one man show is getting close so we are very busy.

K:And also...the GLOBAL PS COMPANY FAN CLUB has been established! Please check it out! Isn't this great?

Kazuki: We will be participating in the GLOBAL PS COMPANY FAN CLUB actively. We are counting on our overseas fans, too!

Kazuki: Also, you can buy our one-man tour advance ticket via the GLOBAL PS COMPANY FAN CLUB: starting today!

Manabu: Of course overseas fans can buy tickets too! Get it and come to the shows in spring.

Jin: Come here...desuyo! Byo:Someone asked when we would be making fan club in Japan, too? (laughs)

Kazuki: Please be patient a little. We are trying our hardest to also establish one inside Japan.

Manabu: Yeah, we need your support, too.We can work harder with your support!!

Kazuki: Btw. the advanced ticket sales via the GLOBAL PS COMPANY FAN CLUB are until December 12th. The number of tickets is limited!!

Manabu: You better get it soon! Everyone! Kazuki:So, How is the one man tour going to be then?

Manabu:I can not focus on the tour right ahead of us.I'm already distracted by the one man tour.I am looking forward to the tour next year.

Rui:This is the first one man show since I joined. I shiver just thinking of it. Jin:I am very high-spirited. Yoroshiku!

Kazuki: Not that are the tweets? Manabu:Rui, someone said "Please tweet, Rui san"

Jin: This is real time someone tweeted "Byo is beautiful". He certainly is! Manabu:Post more! Don't forget to tweet #SCREWTV

Kazuki :While you guys are posting...This is the GLOBAL PS COMPANY FAN CLUB membership card! What do you think??

Kazuki:The serial number is 100! 100!Manabu:Can we get it too? Rui:I want it too! Kazuki:We have not yet entered GLOBAL PS COMPANY FAN CLUB.

Manabu: I want it, too. I'll buy it later (laughs) Kazuki:If we see these things, we start to think we would like to make our own FC soon.

Jin:I'd keep it in my wallet! Manabu:There are a lot of posts coming in right now.

Kazuki: Actually, with the last shows posting #SCREWTV ranked 4th in Japan trends. This time, let's get the first place.Everyone, post more!

Jin:I'm writing now too. Kazuki:You don't have t say anything really, just tweet 1000 times! Jin:Can I make it on time?

Kazuki:Let's cooperate & be no.1 in Japan! So much for twitter, let's get to the first topic! We got questions from viewers.We'll do Q&A now

Kazuki: From Kei-san from Japan!Hello everyone. I became fan of SCREW recently. The first thing I heard was the album DUALITY.

Kazuki: Therefore, I think I am older than other it ok? It's my first time so I am worried.

Byo: Does it mean she's like 80 years old? Jin:Let me say something. "Are you crazy? Why do you care? Age does not matter!

Jin: If you like SCREW, we are happy, please come to the show. Manabu:There are people that are our moms' ages.

Rui: Mencome, too and people of all ages. Manabu: Mom come, too. Kazuki:We welcome anyone...and we should take the iPad away from him!

Manabu:Yes, I'll take it. Kazuki: Next isLindsey from America. "Which song do you recommend to the new SCREW fans?"

J:It's hard because there are a lot of songs K:One song from each album, everyone. M: It's difficult. J:How about Femme fatale? It's good!

Byo: Because it's your song. Jin: Well, let's put that aside but there is a drum solo in this song, too!

Jin:There is drum solo...there weren't many in our music, so I enjoyed this one.

Jin: And Byo's voice effect. Manabu and Kazuki's Guitar and Rui's SUPER bass is the attraction of this song.

Manabu: There are a lot of comments from fans, that Femme fatale is their recommendation, too.

Rui:Rosary is my recommendation. It's weird to say but this is the no.1 song.I thought "this is it" when I was listening to it originally.

Kazuki:This is the integration...or it's kind of the compilation. I wrote it, though. How about Manabu??

Manabu:Cursed Hurricane.If you are listening to us for the first time.There's also a PV.We play it at live so I think it's easy to get into.

Manabu: It is fun to play live too.

Kazuki: And Byo? Byo: "Yurikago!" I wanted some comfort. So, I choose "Yurikago" from this album. Kazuki:It is not in the album

Rui:I am so happy.I put a lot of my taste in it. I was wondering if it's ok, but we arranged it together and it turned out pretty good.

Kazuki: Rui's song has something that we didn't have before.My mom likes it. M:My mom likes it too. Rui's songs are for moms?

Manabu: I think people should listen to DUALITY, too! Kazuki: I recommend DUALITY, to.

Kazuki: Ok, next is Sato-san. from Japan! Hello SCREW! I became to like you since I saw your LIVE STREAM last time!

Kazuki "I fell in love with kazuki at first site! Please take responsibility for this.....This is not a question (laugh)"

Manabu: It means you have to take responsibility(laugh) Kazuki:Well....I will (laugh)

Kazuki:Ok, the next question is hard. Shoutekisan from China. Who is the most energized or most kind person in the band?

Rui: The mostenergized person? M: Does it mean "active" is not me B:I think it's Rui R:Is it me? I am not an indoor person.

R:Your tong is twisted today. K:Well, it's probably Rui. M:Maybe there are more postings by now? K:We should let them vote maybe?

Byo: Manabu are you ok? Don't you think it's how?

Manabu:Does anyone say "Manabu"? Ah, they write Rui-san is kind!

R:Kazuki, Jin... B:There is none of my name! Who gets the most post? M:It seems like me...Jin...Kazuki...B:Are there a lot of "Byo"s too?

K:Manabu consists of 20% kindness and 80% eye glasses. J:Don't forget to use #SCREWTV when tweeting! Since we will be watching.

K:OK, the last question! Annie from France. Since the GLOBAL PS COMPANY FAN CLUB has started what kind of projects are you planning to do?

J:It's just starting now. K:I wanna go do live shows. Rui:I have never been overseas with you guys.

Manabu: Since the GLOBAL PS COMPANY FAN CLUB was made, I want to do it first.Meet everyone!

J:First, do performances, fan club i wannna do in-store events too. I want to communicate with our fans.

B:I wanna do play paper-rock-scissors. We should do it NOW! Jin:It differs from person to person how to play it.

K:Anyway,it's difficult to read all comments so that's all for today! Well, it was decided that this becomes a regular program anyway.

Kazuki: Today I am the host, but last time it was Jin. We should decide who it'll be for the next time

M:Well, we leave it to you. Kazuki:I will decide on my own accord! M:Really?!(laughs) K:So....It'll be.....!!!!!Manabu!!!

M:I'm next? I fear I'll do it like looking at a script K:you will be doing it. M:I will try. K:You will be nervous.

Manabu: I am always very high-spirited before the show. J:You gotta get new glasses(laughs) M: I will do it next month.

Jin: In a red jacket and a gold glasses! B: As the host should wear something funny every time J:like black tights suits?

K:I want to make a plan since it'll be a regular program. So I want you to think what kind of projects we should do.

kazuki: I think it would be interesting to invite a guests. We can invite friends or people from PS COMAPNY, sempais. What do you think?

J:I want to play games, too. Let's play a games to decide on the next host B: I want to know what the game is!!!

B:Let's play "musical chairs"!M:I want to do public shooting like in the electric shop i would always go. K:A shop recommendation.

K:It would be fun to do a public shooting some time. B:I wanna do them all! M:Food fighting, hot spring report..(is reading twitter)

J: Something like "Byo-san fell " K:Phychology test, ribbon tie?does it mean Manabu should wear it? R:"Yaminabe" too.

K:Let's do various things earnestly. We watch your tweets, so don't forget #SCREWTV! We want more opinions from you!

J&M: Don't forget the #tag. K:Tweet more" M:there are quite a lot, but we want more. k:we need to be no.1 in Japan today!

M:someone said "do twister " J:What is twister?

M:Well,it can not be helped. Something happend,we need to be flexible.K:It's hot in here(laugh)let's make it cool.10 min free talk from now!

J:We are waiting for this! K: Let's say whatever we ant M:there are many projects. "Play soccer". we were talking about games in there too.

Rui: Before we wanted to play PS3 but we didn't have enough controllers.

K:One of the staff took it home(laugh) R:We won't say who(laughs)

Kazuki: I would like to put have to draw something from a box. R:everyone would put something really weird in it if we play that.

Byo:"Surprise live calling" during the program. K:That'd be awesome!!

M:Aren' there any questions onTwitter? R: We can read it if you use #SCREWTV!

Kazuki:I want to do one thing, which is playing an acoustic live. That would be great.

J:There is a question asking: "what's special about your outfits today?"

Byo:I picked up whatever was on the floor.Jin: Just like that! M:B brought what ever on the floor too. J:Isn't the color annoying?

R:I don't normally dress like this, but I wanted to become refreshing men today. M:What about kazuki

K:I'm wearing something I found at my house...we wear ordinary clothes a lot recently. Do you have anything you would like to wear?

R:It want it to be next year. J:I want to make rice cake!! J:Manabu, you should be Santa next month

M:Everyone should be Santa next month! We want your opinions! tweet to #SCREWTV

Kazuki: It says: "How about a Maid outfit" M: I would reject cosplaying.

K:So, we enjoyed the free talking, but we will move on to the next topic. It is the SCREW DUALITY PV quiz!!

K:We want you to watch the PV but it doesn't end there. We want to do a quiz. .

Kazuki: There is a lighter in the beginning of the PV, please guess who's it is

M: If you watch it, you will find out! K:You will find the hint in the PV. It's a bit of a trick question!

M:Who USED the lighter? Watch it carefully too. K: Yes yes, who is using the lighter? K:We'll tell you the answer with at next the #SCREWTV!

K:: We will choose winner out of those who got the answer right and give a Christmas present to them.

Kazuki: Please check MJP(musicJAPANplus) for details. I haven't thought of what to give yet, though!

B:Give smile! M:Make it is something that they want! K:It's not just watching #SCREWTV but we want you to enjoy it, too.

K: Ok, kept you waiting too long. Let's watch the PV!

K:Have many of you watched the PV for the first time? How was it?

J:It is included in the first press edition of the album! K:Do you have anything to say to the fans overseas?

M:I think it would be a good trigger too. You have just watched our PV, so please listen to our music too.

K: OK Yes, that's right, time is running too fast, but it's getting late already. J:I am so sad! M:It's too fast

K: There was moment i felt pressured, but i had fun today.Our one-man show will be coming up! Please come!

J:We are going to visit various places in Japan,we want to keep the momentum of 2010-2011.Please see how different our fighting spirits are.

R:This is the first one-man tour since I joined.I'll carefully perform with everyone. I wan to make everyone enjoy the shows with us!

M:It's going to be a while after from now until then, but it is something i am looking forward to.

Manabu: I want to make the performance a great success with everyone!Support us please!!

B:Personally, it took a long time. But it was decided...I'm about to cry. We will completely rebuild ourself and gonna make some sensation.

Byo: We will take you to performances at even bigger venues, please hold on tight. Thank you for today.

K:It took quite some time, but I want to create a nice atmosphere. Jin: A nice atmosphere!

K:The exclusive GLOBAL PS COMPANY FAN CLUB advance ticket sale has just started, please check it out!

K: For Japan, there are advanced tickets on the official site, too! So tell me again what you thought about today's show! Jin?

J:Hi! this was Vol.3, and I'm not the host, but kazuki is. I'll be performing as comedian(laughs) but i am not as nervous as before.

R:This is Vol.3 and from here on it'll be a regular program and we will be seeing you every month. Please support us!

M:This was Vol.3 and it was smoother than the Vol.1. I am nervous because next month i will be the host. Please watch us next month!

B:I am sorry I am always so cute. Bye Bye!

K: Well, this was Vol.3. Jin said he was not nervous but I was more nervous! But I feel like I enjoyed it more than I expected.

Kazuki: Vol.4 will be on December 21st M:We don't know about that, yet (laughs)

K:I think we can announce the PV quiz winner next time. Look forward to it! And there is our new album, you should check it out too!

M:Please listen to it! K:See you at our one-man show then! We are SCREW! Bye-bye!

The fan club mentioned in SCREWTV is GLOBAL PS COMPANY FAN CLUB

SCREW Solo Japan Tour 2011 Advance Ticket Sale is on GLOBAL PS COMPANY FAN CLUB



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