Dienstag, 21. Dezember 2010


(© all images by the Artist. All Rights Reserved)

Am 21.12.2010 wurde über musicJAPANplus das SCREW TV Vol.4 ausgestrahlt.

Line up:

Vocal: Byo

Guitar: Kazuki

Guitar: Manabu

Bass: Rui

Drums: Jin

Die Übersetzung ist wieder von musiJapanplus.

Der erste Teil war von 

Manab: Hello everyone and Merry Christmas!

Manabu: Hello everyone! This is #SCREWTV SHOW. I will be your host for Vol.4 SCREW guitarist Manabu.

manabu: This has become a regular program and I am assigned to do the MCs

Kazuki: I am uncle santa

Byo: I'm uncle Santa

Rui: I'm bassist Rui! Jin: I am the drummer Jin.

Manabu: Who are you today?

Manabu: Everyone is wearing a hat and I am wearing a ribbon tie. Can you see it? Ok, let’s go!

B: Were all ready

Manabu: This is the 4th #SCREWTV Getting used to the show yet?

Jin: That's right! Even wearing a hat, completely ready.

M: We have received the reactiond to the laast program and we would like to introduce some.

Manabu: Of course there are a lot more, but we'll do what we can with in the time we have

Manabu: From Chiba, Japan. I became really happy watching SCREW having fun! You make me feel comfort and I can work hard from tomorrow too!

M:I am looking forward to #SCREWTV too! I love SCREW!!!

M: From Aomori I can’t go to your live so I am looking forward to this live program! I am happy I could cry(;_;)

Manabu: There are lots of message from overseas too! And people are getting excited on twitter. How is twitter?

Rui: We're doing well about getting excited! Jin: We're seeing everyone's comments!

Manabu: From Hokkaido. I enjoy every #SCREWTV . I can feel closer to SCREW through livestream, twitter etc. Looking forward to SCREW TV.

Rui: Please remember to type in #SCREWTV !

Manabu: We have many more but due to time limitation, we could only show 5 of them.

Manabu: Speaking of twitter, we said let’s make #SCREWTV no.1. As we tweeted after the show it became No.1 in entertainment category!

M: Isn’t that great? So we should aim for No.1 again. If you are participating from twitter, please use #SCREWTV when you tweet.

M: So this time we have prepared special contents!!! This is first time for #SCREWTV show...”We deliver a message from SCREW.”

Manabu: Let's get it even higher in that category

M: Let's start with the first project! Here are the messages to SCREW

Message corner: Your girlfriend made curry and it is looking great! You were excited to eat but it tasted horrible.

Message corner: She is waiting for your words. What are you going to tell her?

Jin: Without being hurtful?! It makes sense... "I'm filled up with love!"

M: Ok, like this. Next is Rui. Go!

Rui: Okay, then this please.

M: It’s your first date with her but you are 30 minute late. She was still waiting there. What are you going to tell her?

M: 30 minutes is long. If you are making 1000 yen an hour, it's 500 yen.

Rui: Okay. "I'm sorry. Forgive me."

K:Moeeeee! Rui: Being tardy is bad. K:Moeeeee!

M:You have been in a long distance relationships for 3 years. You guys start to fight on the phone.

M: She says “How long are we going to be apart? I miss you!” and starts to talk about breaking up. How are you going to stop her?

K:It is almost impossible and difficult question!Lots of questions about girlfriend(laughs),it's telephone.Manabu, you be my girlfriend now.

M: “How long are we going to be apart? I wanna breakup with you!”

K: Let's move in together! Will you move in with me!? Or what are you going to do ? Breaking up with me?

M:I won't move in with you! Byo: Its not necessary Rui: Twitter is really heavy right now.

M:You go to the library one day. You are looking for a book. Then you find a girl who is trying to reach a book on the top shelf.

M: You get the book for her - what do you say when you give it to her?

Byou; Your undies are cute M: Come again? Byo; well I'd say your underwear is cute. M: It was an answer which is a great example.

R: Your girlfriend worked all night on a presentation without sleeping. But, her boss gave harsh words which made her come home depressed.

R: Now some kind words for this girl who is about to cry.

Rui: This girl is right in front of you right now. Please, Manabu. Manabu: Your presentation sucked! Kazuki: That's tough!

(Jin is very surprised with Manabu's response)

Manabu:you came into the classroom to pickup something you forgot. Then you met a girl you have crush on! What are you going to tell her?

M: You can say something or you can do something about it. Jin; That's just a wild delusion of yours is it not, Manabu!?

Jin: Just how late are you left at school? (laugh) Jin: "Actually, I really liked you". Is what I'd say. Byo: Teacher??

Rui: This will get embarrassing! Manabu: Are you embarrassed? Jin: I can't take such a big risk into for one thing; that's tough.

Manabu: Next! "Tell us what moves your heart. Or tell us what you want to be told in what situation."

M: Let's make it "You went to the classroom to pickup something you forgot. There you met a girl you like! What are you going to tell her?"

Manabu: Ok Rui? Rui: Okay, understand. I'd like to be told, "Can we go home together?" Manabu: That's good.

R: It'd be nice if we were just alone, the two of us. M: Ok, Kazuki. K: I'm the same...Something I wanna be told? and a girl you like?

Kazuki:"Hey, do you have something to do later"? Manabu: Same as Rui. I understand I think! Kazuki: It's close so I was thinking what to do.

Kazuki: Like "Let's move in together." (laughs)

Rui: I don't have much experience with that sort of thing, so I'd like to be told "I want to go home together". I wish!

Kazuki: I wanna be told this! I have never experienced anything like that!

manabu: Have you told that before? Kazuki: Of course. Manabu: How about Byo? Byo: I'd lock up the classroom "you cant see me"

K: She'll say "what's with that beard!?" (laughs) Byou; Teacher, its alright

Manabu: You want a female teacher to lock the door in this classroom? Byo:' If my teacher was there, please talk to me on twitter!

M: Next, Jin! J: Something I want to be told? M:You're eating...

Manabu: What if Madonna comes in. Jin: In a swimsuit? Jin: "Jin, There was a swimsuit left in the pool.

Jin: Oh, and let's go eat sushi" I want to be told this.

manabu: You'd leave your swimsuit? Byo: Will you eat it?! Jin: I'd probably be doing both. Kazuki: How about Manabu!?

B: Sushi? Why Sushi? J: They'd be embarrassed talking about the swimsuit and just remember that. Then we'd go eat sushi.

Manabu: So it is like this. Oh, me? Ok. What was the situation?

Rui:A word to the girl you like who just came into the classroom! Manabu: Just go home!".....I don't know!!! Kazuki: It's not your mom!

Jin; Like you want to be told, Hurry up and go home?

Manabu: Next Kazuki. "Make your best MOE proposal to the camera." Kazuki:" Moe propossal..." in any situation.

M: If you're ready, I'll count. You're on a hill, and it's the right time!

Kazuki:Ok,Manabu, you'd be my girlfriend again. I brought you here. Manabu: Me again. Kazuki: "It's getting cold."

Manabu: Why did you bring me here?

K: It's a bit chilly. M: Why did you bring me here? K: I have something important to tell you. I bought a house! Let's move in together!

M: I don't understand this well.Have you bought a house already? Kazuki: Yeah, I already bought it (laughs) Title is "House on the hill"

M: Next, Byo. You're on a date. You enjoyed a movie and dinner, and it’s time for the last train. You don’t want her to go!What do you say?

Byou: The last train....I see.Wait a minute! Kazuki: Let's kill 50 seconds (for Byo)! (laughs) Manabu: I feel chocked with this ribbon tie.

Jin: Manabu, you were wearing a necktie this entire time! I just noticed!

M: Byo, are you ready? R: What would you do, Jin? J: I only have one line: "Do you wanna go eat sushi with me?"

Kazuki: I know you were gonna say it! Jin; It's really fancy. Don't finish it with just one sentence! So you'd be the girlfriend again.

M: Okay Byo stop her from taking the train. 3,2,1....

B: I'd be like "Hmm", what should i do about my burning heart! the only thing that can cool it down is you.

Rui: hm---... This is, Yeah. #SCREWTV PLEASE!! (laugh) Rui: You can forget about me, but please #SCREWTV!!! (laugh)

Rui: Everyday is like your girlfriends birthday! When you give her a present

R: It your new girlfriend’s birthday! It is the first time to celebrate it with her so you prepared a nice present.

R: What do you say when you give it to her?

Rui: Like the "First Birthday" type of thing. Jin: I have to say, House... Sushi!! and stuff!

Manabu: So you prepare a present and what are you gonna say when you hand it to her?

K: Let's wait 30 seconds for Jin! J: We're asking about your favourite sushi!

Kazuki: Tell us how to mend a heart that’s been broken at #SCREWTV

Rui: Don't forget the hash tag!! Okay, well then with these two... Byo: You mean "The last train or Byo, which is the most important?"

Rui: Manabu Manabu: This is the proof of love! SUSHI! Kazuki: Ok, 3, 2, 1 Everyone in studio is laughing Manabu: I can't hold it anymore..

M: I can't hold it in any longer!! Will we do this again? We don't know yet.I'm too scared to look, but give us feedback on Twitter!

M: This is our first project

Manabu: This is the Q&A corner. This time as well, we would like to answer questions from the watchers. LISA from America.

M: Christmas is close, what is it that you want most?"

Manabu: It's almost christmas, what do you want? From Santa?

Byo: A while ago I borrowed Rui's iPad and drew a picture, I'd like to have one too just for the purpose of drawing pictures

Manabu: Such a chaotic picture...You gonna draw on it everyday. Ok, Kazuki.

Kazuki: I want a Guitar amp. We will be doing recording soon. It's heavy though!

M: Is he going to bring it? K: Santa's working really hard right now! (Laughs)

Manabu: Rui-san! Rui: Me too, I think an Amp, or like a PC I'd like too have. Rui: Oh, and a hash tag! Don't forget!!

M: Don't forget #SCREWTV ! R: Amps and stuff. There's a lot of stuff I want to try out. I'll have to write a letter!

Manabu: Ok, Jin. Jin: Sushi.... Kazuki: If its just sushi i'll get it for you! But you have to give me something back!

J: I don't think I can take anymore... K: I'll buy you as much sushi as you want, so buy me an amplifier! (laughs)

Rui; Okay, me and Kazuki will buy you all the sushi you want, so buy us Amps. Jin; (laugh) Manabu: Me? Laptop

K: It's pretty useful if you have one... B: Realistic/practical

Manabu: When do you started to play bass guitar (to Rui). Rui: In middle school, 3rd year? about 15...

M: Which song is easiest to copy? R: SCREW's I think?

Manabu: Choose a song from DUALITY! Rui: If by bass, the best that has a lot of stuff to do is ROSARY I think.

Rui: If you want to play by ear, "DUALITY" is probably the easiest to hear.

Manabu: I want to release a music score book as a musician. I really do! Seriously!

Manabu: Ok, Next question. When do you feel "I am cool"? Everyone is good looking though!

K: I feel that Manabu is the hottest. Manabu, do something about it. M: When I feel I'm cool?

K: I was expecting you to be naked but for that ribbon tie.

Kazuki: It can be some kind of movement. Manabu: Ok here....Without the mic. (Takes off his jacket but stops.)

Byou: Its just a misunderstanding. Kazuki: I want to go to the dead sea. Where is the dead-sea?

K: Greece, isn't it? R: Greece, I think? K: You can float in the Dead Sea right? I want to play the guitar there!

Manabu: That’s something new. How about Jin? Jin: The statute of liberty. Byo; Playing VEGAS in Las Vegas

M: That's just the way it is. Byo: Argentina would be nice too

Wegen irgendwelcher Probleme wurde der Rest der Übersetzung bei getwittert.

K: It's Saint Seiya! R: Yeah that might be Greece!

Rui: I'd like to do a song that's heart warmining. In front of a temple.." Kazuki: Manabu? Manabu: Me? Kazuki: I see thanks.

Manabu: Louise/Philippines: If you could become a character in a comic or a novel, who would you want to become?

Rui: Hm, I'd like to be Ciel from Kuro Shitsuji. He's really selfish. I'd like to work a butler hard. This manga is really fun

Byo: I don't know much about manga or novels, but I'd want to be Chawan. Manabu: You want to be Chawan?

R: You want to be cleaned up? Washed?

Jin: From way back, I really like the Simpsons and I'd really like to be like them. I want to be in an anime!

J: Yeah, like that! Hey! We're waiting for offers!

Kazuki: EVANGELION, GUNDAM, those kind of robots! "Kazuki: No, actually Kiririn from Dragon ball . He is the strongest on the earth.

Jin: Somethingsomething Valican! Kazuki: How about Manabu? Vegeta?

M: Yeah it would suit my hairstyle. Maybe Cell.

Manabu: Do you remember we had quiz about “DUALITY” PV? We announce the answer and the winners today.

Manabu: Let’s watch “DUALITY” once again before the answer. Who’s lighter it is?

M: Well that was DUALITY by SCREW but let me tell you one thing. We said you will know when you watch this till the end

M: and most of the people answered “Jin” (laughs) Is it yours Jin?

Jin: The truth is, It's not mine! Manabu: Who’s is it? Everyone will think it’s Jin’s right?

Kazuki: Me, it is impossible to find out. Even our staff thought it’s Jin’s. I am surprised but there are few people answered correctly.

Kazuki: It is a question of whose property it is.

Manabu: So we will give a presents to the winners! And it’s Christmas so we dressed like this.

K: Manabu, You're not wearing the ribbon tie anymore. Manabu: Because it was choking me.

Manabu: Anyways, it's a present. We have two presents A and B!

Manabu: Prize A. Christmas card handwritten by the members of SCREW (3 persons)

M: Before the beginning of this program, did everyone write a message on it?? We’ll give those away as presents!

M: We'll ask 10 winners to "give us a situation" or "tell us what they want us to say"

M: and during the broadcast of the next SCREW TV SHOW, we'll present you with this message.

K: We did it before in the music room. Rui: Theres some really outrageous stuff drawn!M: It was do whatever you want! So thats what we did!

M:Well, the winners of prize A are…Ray, from Singapore. Yukiko, from Hokkaido. Azami from Gunma prefecture

M:The message comment from SCREW (10 people) There is extra footage like!

M:As for the winners of the B prize, in a few days, you will receive more information from the MJP editors through the email.

M:Therefore, those who have email reception settings, please be sure to set it to allow emails from “@.co.jp”

M: The details will be clearly explained in the email, so please check it very well!

Rui: We've gotten a little better at this than from when we started off. This live feed, for 2010, this is the last one,

Rui: ...but thank you very much for an enriching time.

Kazuki: I had fun, I’s becoming better. Manabu: Being the host is difficult… Kazuki: But you were smooth.Manabu: Not as bad as you are.

B:let's see. My beard is in the way. It's kind of unsual so I ended up wearing it.

Byo:After this, I want it to be more of a comedia. those who watched me today are lucky! next yar ill shave my beard

K: It's a real beard? Wow, it's grown so fast!

Byou; and I dont know when I' ll be doing the MC, but ill do my best Manabu: Starting 9:00PM on January 28th 2011. Let’s announce next host.

M: Rui!! R: ME!? M: Try! R: Ok, I'll do my best. ...Will I be ok!?

Rui; I was sort of forced into this right now, wasn't I? (laugh) Manabu: Please look forward to the next Stream!

Manabu: Rui will try his best in the new year!

Manabu: Thank you so much for today! The next stream will be on 1/28. Is there anything left?

M: This time, for our Nagoya concert, there's no sale! We're waiting for everyone overseas to come, too!

Kazuki: I do! Jin; There is! Rui: Theres a lot! Rui: Hash tag!!! Kazuki:Have a happy new year!

All: Bye bye!!

Mal sehen wie lange YouTube das PV Duality (german subs) lassen wird :)

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